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Get Ready, Get Set and Go instruction leaflets

Below you'll find copies of the new waste service instruction leaflets that have been delivered to homes where we're currently introducing the new service. If you've not had a 'Get Ready' leaflet in the post and new bins delivered to your home, you're still on the current weekly rubbish and fortnightly recycling collections.

Find out when to expect the changes in your area 

  • Get Ready leaflet: change is coming information 
  • Get Set leaflet: instructions on how to switch to and use the new service
  • Go leaflet: reminders on how to switch to and use the new service

The print copy of the calendar that we send out by post includes the correct new collections calendar, new service start date and new collection day for the individual property. If you've lost your print version please visit  and enter your address to see the correct details for your home.

Area 1: Mid Cornwall

Area 2: South East Cornwall

Area 3: West Cornwall

Area 4: North East Cornwall 

Area 5: Mid West Cornwall

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