The council adopted the document, also referred to as the Allocations DPD, on 26 November 2019. The document identifies where new housing and employment uses. The document focuses on 10 towns/conurbations and two eco-communities in Cornwall. Housing and employment targets have already been set. These are available in the the Cornwall Local Plan: Strategic Policies document.
The Allocations DPD also looks at the wider strategy for the towns. It includes economic growth and the delivery of infrastructure. support both the existing and future residents
The document was submitted to the Secretary of State for examination in October 2017. The Inspectors published a report in April 2019. The adopted plan includes the Inspectors recommended main modifications.
The Adoption Statement and associated background documents are available to download on this page.
- Statement of Adoption (November 2019)
- Sustainability Appraisal
- Allocations DPD Inspectors Report and appendix
- Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications
- Proposed Minor Modifications
Concept Plans
Concept Plans have been adopted by Cornwall Council for Hayle and Launceston. More details can be found on the Hayle Growth Area Concept Plan and Launceston Southern Growth Area Concept Plan web pages.
Allocations DPD Examination evidence base
Documents relating to this are available on the Allocations DPD Examination Library.
Contact Details
If you have any questions regarding the Allocations DPD, please contact the Council by
Telephone: 0300 1234 151 and ask for the Planning Delivery Team
Post to:
Planning Delivery,
Cornwall Council,
1st Floor,
Dolcoath Avenue,
TR14 8SX