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Cornwall Monitoring Report

Background and context

There is a requirement for local authorities to publish an Authority Monitoring Report. This is set out in the Localism Act 2011 (Section 113).

The act requires local authorities to report on:

  • the implementation of their local development schemes and local development policies
  • the progress and effectiveness of the Local Plan
  • the extent to which Local Plan planning policies are being achieved

Local authorities must make Monitoring Reports available directly to the public. Reports are produced at least annually or when the information becomes available. They are published to improve accessibility, transparency and accountability.

The Cornwall Monitoring Report covers the period from 1 April to 31 March each year. It tracks the progress of the Development Plan Documents (DPDs) against the timetable. This timetable is set out in the Local Development Scheme (LDS). It also sets out performance against a series of indicators. These include a statement about the adequacy of housing supply.

Monitoring has a crucial role to play. This role is providing feedback within the process of delivering planning policy. It provides information on the performance of policy and impacts on the environment. The Monitoring Report can be used to:

  • identify the key challenges and opportunities facing Cornwall
  • enable appropriate policy adjustments and revisions to be made.

The planning system focuses on the delivery of sustainable development and sustainable communities. Within this context, monitoring takes on an added importance. It provides a check on whether those aims are being achieved

Monitoring Report 2023-2024

Cornwall Housing Trajectory 2024

This sets out the progress made towards delivering the Local Plan Housing requirement.

Five Year Housing Land Supply Statement 2024

The results for the year ending 31 March 2023 are now available. This shows that Cornwall Council is able to demonstrate a 6.4 year supply of land for housing.

Supporting documents

Housing Delivery in Cornwall

The purpose of the Housing Delivery in Cornwall document is to demonstrate awareness of development activity and identify sites which may contribute to creating a shortfall in the future, should they fail to deliver.

Self Build Reports

The Cornwall Self-Build and Custom House building Register Report can be viewed via the Self and Custom Build page.

The Development Plan Preparation Progress Report

Please see the Development Plan Preparation Progress Report 2023. This is an update of the progress made preparing documents proposed in the Local Development Scheme.

The Cornwall Safeguarding of Waste Sites Document 

You can view the Cornwall Safeguarding of Waste Sites Document along with Figure 1 Waste Safeguarding Sites Countywide Map and Appendix 1 Waste Site Maps. This document sets out existing waste management facilities for safeguarding. This is required by Cornwall Local Plan Policy 19 (criterion 4): Strategic waste management principles.

Local Aggregates Assessment 

The Local Aggregates Assessment establishes the adequacy of the supply of aggregates in Cornwall. It is prepared in consultation with members of the South West Aggregates Working Party (SWAWP). This is in accordance with Goverment guidelines.

Town Centre Uses 2023

The Town Centre Uses survey provides an up to date profile of each main town centre in Cornwall. The Retail Monitoring Overview summarizes the retail surveys undertaken in Cornwall 2023.

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