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Local Council Planning Training

Induction Planning training for Local Councils

We offer Local Council Planning Induction Training events following local elections in Cornwall.  These were last held in June 2021.  We also hold planning refresher training sessions in between.  The presentations from the latest training in July 2023 are the most up-to-date and are:

You may find more detailed material in our 'More Training resources' section on this page, such as Enforcement and Appeals videos. 

Other Local Council Planning training

We also offer shorter training events based on one or two topics 3 or 4 times a year.  These are online Teams events.  They are for parish and town clerks and local councillors in Cornwall.  You will not have to book a place but can use the Microsoft Teams meeting links to join.  We publicise the events by:

  • emailing the joining links to local council clerks for sharing with their local council members
  • including how to join in the Council's local council newsletter. 

2024 planning training

Our July policy session was postponed due to a clash with the General Election.  We're looking for a new date in the Autumn for a policy update that will include Community Growing, Coastal Regeneration, Public Health and Planning amongst others.

Save the date - 19 September 2024

Our next Local Council training event will be on 19 September at 4.00-5.30 pm:

Part 1: Development Management: Processes and procedures update, Area Teams news

Part 2: Enforcement and Compliance 2024 

To include updates on Class Q and Class R (converting agricultural buildings) and annexes and the latest in the Planning area teams. Planning Enforcement Group Leaders will provide the latest Enforcement training for local councils.

This will be an online event via Teams and the link to join is in the email sent to local council clerks to cascade.  There is no need to book.  If you have not received it from your clerk nearer the date and wish to attend, then please contact us at

February 2024 - Planning changes, Local Plan, NDPs and Call for Sites focussed on the work being planned for preparing a new Local Plan in Cornwall, how NDPs are affected and our call for sites.  It also includes an update on the latest planning changes flowing from the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act etc, and current Government consultations.

2023 training and resources

November 2023 - The NDP and Local Plan update focussed on:

  • Neighbourhood Plans: what planning changes mean for NDPs and the 5 most effective things you can do when preparing your Neighbourhood Plan
  • The Cornwall Local Plan and call for sites: preparing for a new style Local Plan for Cornwall and the launch for our call for sites in January 2024

March 2023 - The Cornwall Climate Emergency Development Plan Document has been adopted. Policies have full weight in the planning process from March.  The Planning Policy event, Climate Emergency DPD policies and planning processes presentation, on 22 March covered:

  • how the policies will affect the decision-making process
  • what they mean for neighbourhood planning.

February 2023 - The Government published two consultations affecting the planning system in December 2022.  They are about revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and changes in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill.  Helping Local Councils understand planning changes 2023 helps local councils respond to the Government consultations.  Event resources for local councils include:

Previous training

Some topics covered have had a more recent update.  You can find those in the videos prepared from Planning Member Modular Training in the next section.

More Training resources for local councils

We are building a training resource area for local councils.  Some are videos and based on presentations given as part of our Member Modular training programme.  You can find the latest resources using these links:

Day in the life of a planning application

The Cornwall Planning Partnership produced this online step by step guide through the entire planning process.  It spans from initial development idea through to the completion of development.

You can access this resource using this link: Day in the life of a Planning Application.

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