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The Council invests in culture in many different ways. These include:
- Culture and Creative Investment Programme Grants
- FEAST grants
- capital (building) projects
- project grants
Cornwall Council supports the Culture and Creative Sector through the Culture and Creative Investment Programme. This is a four-year investment programme for 2022–2026 totalling £1.8m. Working together with the successful applicants will enable us to achieve Cornwall's Creative Manifesto Ambitions. Find out more about the recipients of this programme and their work.
During 2025, the Culture Team will be reviewing the Culture and Creative Investment Programme (CCIP). We hope to open the programme for grant applications in late 2025 for funding commencing in April 2026. We anticipate that this programme will be highly competitive.
You can see examples of some of the projects we are supporting on our project webpages. Here are some ways to find support for your project:
FEAST grants
Cornwall Council and Arts Council England co-fund the innovative FEAST programme. You can apply to FEAST for grants. FEAST grants enable Cornwall’s artists and communities to make inspiring projects.
FEAST helps create great things to see and do across Cornwall. Visit the FEAST website for details of how to apply. You can also see examples of the plethora of supported projects.
Museums and historic buildings
Is your project for a historic building? Visit the Strategic Historic Environment Service.
The Q Fund
The Q Fund (or The Sir Arthur Quiller Couch Memorial Fund to use its full name) is a very small charity. It was set up as a charitable trust in 1945.
The Fund supports literary projects that have a connection to Cornwall. You can apply for Grants of between £50 to £500 towards research work in literary or connected subjects. Grants can be for:
- supporting travelling
- getting transcripts
- supporting other expenses in conducting research
Or, they may contribute to production costs of your literary project, including:
- editing
- design
- printing
The Q Fund wants to improve diversity, excellence and creativity in Cornish literature.
Cornwall Council is the Trustee for the fund.
The Council holds the Trust Fund on behalf of a small Committee which is the award-making body. The Fund is keen to support writers at all stages of their careers and to support a wide variety of projects.
In autumn 2024 the Q Fund supported two projects. They assisted Elizabeth Dale with research costs. ‘Buried at the Crossroads, The Four Parish Stone and Other Forgotten Burial Places in Cornwall' is the title of her research. A grant awarded to Inkfish went towards the publishing costs of Cornwall, In Short.
How to apply for a Q Fund Grant
The Committee usually awards grants twice a year in May and November. The next deadline is Friday 2 May 2025.
Please double check that your project meets the criteria above before applying. It's easy to apply, simply use the application form below and email to (please put ‘Q’ in the subject line). Please send your application as a Word Doc or a PDF.
Some More about Q
Sir Arthur Quiller Couch's nickname was 'Q'. There is a wealth of information about his life and work on the Arthur Quiller Couch website.
In addition the Morrab Library holds a large and varied selection of material relating to the lives and writings of the Couch family. This includes:
- a complete collection of Q’s novels, short stories and published lectures
- works and biographies relating to Q
- novels by his sisters, Lilian and Mabel
- manuscript material and scientific papers from both his grandfather Jonathan and uncle Richard
There is also extensive secondary material on all family members. This is available through our historic newspaper collections, academic journals and textbooks.