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Casework Assist

Our Casework Assist is designed for Councillors and MPs to ask for help with casework and general enquiries. They can also use it to escalate concerns that have been previously reported via Report Something which have not been resolved within the agreed timescales.

Report Something should still be used for any initial reports in areas such as Highways and Waste collection/queries. Whilst if you need to report an alleged breach of planning control, please complete the form on the Breach of Planning Control page.

This is for various reasons such as:

  • the form will ask for specific information relating the the issue reported
  • ask you for to pinpoint an area on the mapping
  • the information will be passed directly in to the workflow (e.g. Biffa or Streetworks)

If you have a safeguarding concern, please follow the guidance given in the Safeguarding section on this page.

If you are requesting help for an adult, please complete the complete the form on the Request help for an adult page.

Complete the casework assist form

Once the information has been submitted on the form, the Customer Support Team will identify the correct department to look into your concerns.  They can provide you with the information you need to resolve the issue.  You will receive an acknowledgment with a link and a case number so you can request an update.  You can also provide further information.

Support with casework assist

We've created some videos to help you with the new system.

How to guides

View the help videos


You should not use it for urgent safeguarding issues.  Please telephone the Multi Agency Referral Unit (MARU) on 0300 123 1116 if:

  • your contact relates to immediate concerns; or
  • you are worried about a child or young person's safety

If you are worried about an adult possibly experiencing abuse or neglect, telephone 0300 1234 131 (or out of hours 01208 251300). You can also contact us via our Request Help for an Adult page.

Report Something

You can report many issues to the Council online.  They can include:

  • fly tipping
  • missed rubbish collections
  • highways issues such as potholes and streetlights
  • report a breach of planning control, graffiti and food safety issues

Report something online


The Customer Standards team aims to make the enquiry process run smoothly for you.  Please contact us with any issues or suggestions: