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Social work assessments

We undertake an assessment when concerns have been raised about your children.

The assessment gives us an opportunity to talk to you and your child(ren) about any problems. If appropriate we can plan the right help for you to solve these problems.


Your consent must be obtained before undertaking an assessment. It is only when there are concerns about the safety of a child that we undertake an assessment without consent.

Who do we contact about the assessment?

We will contact the professionals that have, or have had, involvement with you and your children. These may include your health visitor or child’s teacher. This is so that we gain a better understanding of your and your family’s needs. We will also talk to you about making contact with members of the child’s extended family who might be able to help.

Who will do the assessment?

A member of your local team will come to see you about the assessment. They will ask you for permission to share some of the information that is discussed within the process with relevant professionals.

If during the course of the assessment the worker believes a child or young person may be at risk of harm they have a duty to pass on the information. This is to ensure that no one comes to harm.

What happens after the assessment?

  • You will have the opportunity to review the assessment report
  • You will also be able to comment, including correcting any misunderstandings or inaccuracies
  • If there is no need for further support the case may be closed
  • It may be that you are advised about what help is available in your community
  • It may be felt that the right help is offered through our Early Help Services
  • It may be that a social care Child Plan is needed to co-ordinate the support we provide
  • You will be involved throughout the process. Your wishes and needs and those of your child(ren) will be taken into consideration

Where is the information on my child held?

Information is stored securely within a Social Care information system. It is stored in accordance with:

  • the General Data Protecton Regulations
  • the Data Protection Act

You can view our Privacy Statement online.

You will get a copy of your assessment.

Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect and must be treated fairly. If you feel that you have not been understood then please tell the worker or their manager. They will listen to you and take your concerns seriously.

If you are not happy with the assessment

If you are unhappy with the assessment please discuss this with the worker in the first instance. If this does not resolve your concerns you may ask to have the matter investigated via the complaints procedure.

You can contact the Quality Assurance and Business Manager

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