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Adult Social Care Needs assessment

A needs assessment is a chance for us to look at your social care needs and work with you to find out which services will best help you to maintain your wellbeing and independence. 

We will look at all your needs and create a support plan with you.

There is no charge for a needs assessment.

Social care needs will be based on things you may need help with, such as:

  • Making sure you eat well
  • Looking after yourself
  • Being able to move around your home
  • Being able to look after your home
  • Having contact with family and friends
  • Being able to access other community activities, such as work opportunities or education
  • Emotional wellbeing and mental health
  • Other caring responsibilities you may have
  • Supporting your family and friends to care for you

You may be entitled to help with your needs assessment from an independent advocate.

What happens?

Our assessor will visit you to talk about your needs and the services that can help you.  You can have a carer, a family member or independent advocate with you at the visit.

We’ll send you a self assessment form before our assessor visits.  Your carer, family, friend or advocate can help you complete the form if you wish.

On the form you should tell us about the things you can do and the things you need help with.  You should also tell us about any help you get from your family and friends.  We can offer them a carer’s assessment to find how out much support and help they need to care for you.

If you can’t complete the form before the visit, our assessor will go through it with you to make sure we have all the information we need to help you.

If you agree, we may arrange a joint assessment with other agencies involved in your care, such as the health service.

Arrange a needs assessment

Who’s eligible for help?

Your needs assessment will look at all your needs and check whether any of them meet the national eligibility criteria for adult social care.  Our assessor will work with you to create a support plan for your eligible social care needs.

You will have eligible needs if you meet all of the following:

  • You have care and support needs as a result of a physical or mental condition
  • Because of those needs, you can’t achieve two or more of the outcomes specified in your needs assessment
  • As a result, there is a significant impact on your wellbeing

Together we’ll work out how much your independence and wellbeing is at risk if you don’t have help.

Use our eligibility checker

What if I’m not eligible for help?

If you’re not eligible for care and support from us, we’ll put you in touch with other organisations that may be able to help. You can find details of these organisations in our Community Directory.

Your carer, if you have one, may also find help through our Carers' Service.

What if I disagree with the assessor’s decision?

Ask our assessor to explain their decision again so you are clear about the reasons for it.  You can ask them to call again when you have someone there to support you if you want.

  • If you’re still not satisfied, you can ask our assessor to reconsider their decision
  • After that you can ask for a second opinion
  • If you’re still not satisfied after the second opinion, you can make a complaint

Make a complaint

Next steps

If you are eligible for care and support from us, we’ll list all your needs in an assessment summary and agree a support plan with you.  Your support plan will cover:

  • What help you will get and who will provide it
  • When help will start
  • How often you will get help
  • Contact details of the team who make sure you get help
  • When reviews will take place to make sure we’re still meeting your needs
  • Details of care needs that can’t be met and why
  • What to do if you’re unhappy with the service

Will I have to pay for care?

You may have to pay something towards the support we provide. 

Information on when a charge will be applied can be found in the introductory leaflet below.

We’ll work out a personal budget so you can organise and buy your own care and support.  This gives you choice and control over the support you get.

We’ll also carry out a financial assessment to see how much you need to pay.

Find out about financial assessments

What if my needs change?

We aim to review your needs every year.  You can also ask us for a care review if your needs change. 

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