People may need care at home if they are;
- getting older
- have a medical condition
- recovering from a surgery
- or have a disability.
There is a range of support available to help you or someone you know stay living at home and retain their independence.
Home care includes but is not limited to:
- Personal Care such as help with bathing, using the toilet, washing your hair or getting dressed
- Personal Care with domestic help – cleaning, laundry, meal preparation
- Health care for medical or clinical aid in the home
- Outreach
Needs assessment
If you or someone you know is struggling with day to day activities at home, you can ask for a needs assessment. This is a chance for us to look at your social care needs and work with you to identify support to help you to live independently. There is no charge for a needs assessment.
Help after leaving hospital
There are a range of services and support available for people who need extra help at home after leaving hospital.
Find out what help and support is available, how to get extra help and how to contact us in our extra help at home when you leave hospital factsheet.
There is also an easy read version of the factsheet.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapists help people of all ages to carry out activities they need or want to do but are prevented from doing as a result of illness, disability or ageing.
Occupational Therapy staff will help you find practical solutions to lead a more fulfilling life. They will visit you at home, assess your needs and work with you (and your family) to find a solution.
Occupational Therapy Equipment
Different specialised technology and equipment can be available for those people who are unable to physically cope with every day activities around the home. This may be due to a medical condition, hospital discharge or limited mobility.
Equipment can be purchased independently from mobility stores and centres. It may also be provided by an Occupational Therapist, District Nurse or Hospital practitioner after an assessment.
If you have any technology or equipment around your home that is no longer required and needs to be collected please contact the Independence & Wellbeing Team on 0300 1234 131.
Technology Enabled Care
Technology Enabled care (TEC) includes a range of innovative technology that helps you to live at home independently, including:
- Lifeline personal alarms
- Fall detectors
- Movement sensors,
- Carer pagers
A life-saving personal technology service. The range of equipment on offer means you have a personal care plan which is tailored to your needs.
With round the clock reassurance, you can live your life at home as usual, knowing help is at hand 24 hours a day should an accident happen.
TEC is provided by Corserv Care. You can read more on their website.
Corserv Care - Technology Enabled Care website
Adapting your home
The home solutions team can help you stay safe at home by:
- helping with any adaptations you decide to have carried out in your home
- advising on what financial support may be available to help with a house move or adapting your home
- supporting you to find a more suitable property if a house move is deemed most appropriate to meet your needs
There is also a Handyperson Service which provides help with household maintenance and repairs for people in Cornwall who are over 60 or have a disability.
Short term support
The Short Term Enablement Planning Service (STEPS) supports people for a limited period of time after a health or social care crisis. They provide temporary support when you’re returning home from hospital and are in need of extra support to get back to your normal life. STEPS workers are there to help you regain your confidence and abilities with tasks such as Personal care, Meal preparation and general mobility and will also assist with therapy exercises where you have been assessed as needing this type of support.
STEPS can only be accessed following an assessment, this may be through the hospital discharge team, a therapist who is working with you or another health care professional. You, your GP or someone acting on your behalf can also make a referral.
You can contact the Independence and Wellbeing Team to arrange this on 0300 1234 131 or request this online.
Support from independent care agencies
You can also use the links on our Community Directory page to find independent care agencies that provide home support with personal care tasks. These include:
- washing
- dressing
- using the toilet or
- with housework
The directory includes information on how to find details of:
- care homes
- meals on wheels
- voluntary and community groups
- organisations
- and more