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Our Objectives

All fire and rescue authorities assess existing and potential risks to the local community (Our Risk Profile). They also identify how to use their resources efficiently and effectively to reduce those risks. This is set out in a Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP). It forms the basis of a contract between the fire and rescue service and the communities and people it serves.

Cornwall Fire & Rescue Service’s current CRMP covers the period 2022-2026. It identifies the following risk objectives:

  • Reducing the impact on risk groups from fire and other incidents
  • Reduction in fire deaths and injuries
  • Reducing incidents where people are killed or seriously injured
  • Mitigating the social, economic and environmental impact of fires and other incidents through the services we deliver
  • Increasing the diversity of our workforce to improve the accessibility of our services through our understanding of community vulnerability and social inequality.

2022-2026 Community Risk Management Plan

We review our CRMP annually to update our focus for the following year:

Each year we produce an End of Year Report to highlight progress and achievements for the year completed.:

Our CRMP is supported by a suite of strategies (also reviewed annually) which demonstrate the activities we are undertaking to deliver against our risk objectives:

Annual Statement of Assurance

We also need to produce an Annual Assurance Statement every year as part of the Fire and Rescue National Framework for England. The purpose of the statement is to provide assurance to communities and the Government that the service is being delivered efficiently and effectively.

Efficiency and Productivity Plan

The Minister of State for Crime, Policing and Fire requires fire and rescue services to outline their plans for how they will deliver an effective, efficient, and productive service. It is expected to cover any efficiencies and plans for increasing productivity.


Our 2022-2026 CRMP was agreed in consultation with our communities. We review the consultation and report the findings. This is built into the final plan, so communities can see how their views have influenced the final plan.  

Previous Plan

Previously the CMRP was known as the Integrated Risk Management Plan. 

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