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Shoreline Management Plan Review 2016

A mid-term review of the Rame Head to Hartland Point (Cornwall and Isles of Scilly) Shoreline Management Plan (SMP2) was undertaken in 2016. This was funded by Cornwall Council and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.  Two reviews were conducted: one for Cornwall and one for the Isles of Scilly.

The focus of the reviews was on the SMP2 Preferred Plan.  In terms of the planned policies and their associated actions (the Action Plan)This was for each section of coast where there is planned change in terms of coastal management over the SMP2 epochs, and from SMP1

As such it was not a complete review.  For Cornwall the review focussed on actions resulting from changes in policy occurring between epochs. Most specifically it focussed at the end of the first epoch (c.2025).  For the Isles of Scilly, a full review of actions was considered in the light of subsequent information and progress to date.

The mid-term reviews took stock of progress in delivering the Preferred Plan since SMP2 was published (2011). The reviews aimed to build upon the thinking behind the Preferred Plan rather than undertake a full re-assessment of this Plan. To this end the reviews provided information on how the Preferred Plan was developed and agreed through the SMP2 process.

Many of the outcomes of the review, at least for Cornwall, focus on communication with local parish/town councils and other stakeholder groups. This is to raise awareness of the issues and constraints.  Many of the management units assessed require implementation of Managed Realignment (MR). In most cases there is not a clear plan for how such MR is likely to be taken forward.

Access to the reports and appendices is available from the links below:

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