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2023 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies

Parliamentary constituencies to change 

Parliamentary constituency boundaries will change at the UK Parliamentary general election to be held on 4 July 2024.  Please see the details below.

The independent Boundary Commission for England (BCE) have redrawn the map of constituencies. The BCE submitted their final report to Parliament by 1 July 2023.

The final report and supporting data has been published on the Boundary Commission for England website. The report is in three volumes:

Volume 1 of the BCE report covers the whole of England. Pages 235 to 237 refer to Cornwall

Volume 2 contains details of each recommended constituency in England. The report includes a South West regional breakdown on the BCE website. Summaries of the Cornwall constituencies show which divisions will be in which constituency.

Volume 3 of the BCE report contains a detailed map of each recommended constituency.  The maps of the new constituency boundaries in Cornwall are as follows:

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