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Submit a Potential Work Programme Topic to an Overview and Scrutiny Committee

To submit a potential topic/issue for presentation to one of the Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committees, please use the submission form below.

Before submitting a topic/issue, please note the following:

The four principles of good scrutiny

(from The Good Scrutiny Guide: Centre for Governance and Scrutiny)

  1. provide constructive "critical friend" challenge
  2. amplify the voices and concerns of the public
  3. be led by independent people who take responsibility for their role
  4. driving improvement in public services.

Overall, Scrutiny is about making a difference and improving the lives of the people who live and work in Cornwall.

Questioner's details


Data Protection

  1. By submitting a question for a meeting, you are giving your consent that your name, address and postal town appears in the minutes. This is under the General Data Protection Regulation.
  2. All other information you provide will only be shared with Democratic Services staff dealing with the Committee. Following the approval of the minutes, any additional information - other than your name and postal address - will be destroyed.

Read our General Public Participation Scheme Privacy Notice.

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