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Governance - How we make decisions

What is Governance?

Cornwall Council makes decisions about a wide range of issues that affect Cornwall, our residents and business owners. The processes for how decisions are made within the Council about the services we provide are an important part of our ‘Governance’.

In relation to decision making, governance is about the rules, processes and laws by which the Council is operated, regulated, controlled and held to account. It makes sure that decisions take public opinion into account, reflect and respond to the needs of local people, are evidence-based and are transparent and accountable.

View our bitesize guide to governance relating to decision-making or read on for more detailed information.

In 2015 and 2016 the Council reviewed whether the arrangements which were in place were the right ones needed for the future. 

Our system of governance

We currently have 87 Councillors representing Cornwall and together they form full Council.

Full Council meets approximately every six weeks. They set the budget for the year as well as the business plan, which sets out the policies and plans the Council wants to achieve. 

Our democratic governance structure is the leader and Cabinet model. Full Council elects a Leader who is then re-elected annually.  The Leader chooses between two and nine councillors to form a Cabinet.  The Cabinet’s responsibilities are divided up into portfolios and each Cabinet Member is responsible for a portfolio of work. The Cabinet Members are also known as Portfolio Holders or Executive Members. The Leader and Cabinet take decisions to deliver the business plan and these must usually be within the budget and policy framework set by full Council.

View the Governance Model diagram

Overview and Scrutiny Committees

Overview and Scrutiny Committees are set up to participate in the policy development and performance management of the Council and to review and challenge the Cabinet and the wider Council and are composed of elected Councillors. There are five Overview and Scrutiny Committees which are largely aligned to the Council’s Directorate and these are as follows:-

  • Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee
  • Customer and Support Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
  • Economic Growth and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee
  • Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee
  • Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Each Committee has as work programme setting out its work which is regularly reviewed by the committee membership. In addition, each committee may set up Working Groups, Task and Finish Groups, Single Issue Panels, Inquiries and so on in order to undertake detailed challenge work within their respective remits.

The Health and Adult Social Care has statutory responsibilities dictated by Central Government and which focus on a number of areas within its remit. The Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Conmmittee also has such statutory responsibilities which focus on Flood Risk and Crime and Disorder.

Overview and Scrutiny Committees can call witnesses, ask detailed questions and will issue reports to the relevant decision makers.  The Committees can challenge decisions of Cabinet and individual Cabinet Members by a process known as ‘call in’ and may also respond to specific requests from Councillors.

Find out more about committees and their structure 

Other committees

There are a number of other committees to deal with the Council's business which is not dealt with direct by either full Council or the responsibility of Cabinet. These committees include:

  • Licensing
  • Planning
  • Audit
  • Constitution and Governance
  • Standards
  • Appeals
  • Pensions

Decision Making Wheel

In 2021, the Council introduced a new tool to support our decision-making. This tool is the Cornwall Development and Decision Wheel

The tool helps us to better understand and assess the impact of our decisions on Cornwall, our residents and our workforce. It requires officers to consider impacts in three areas - environmental, social, and equality and inclusion. It is used at the beginning of the decision-making process to guide our thinking. We consider the broadest impact of any proposals, making adjustments along the way if needed.

We want to make sure our decisions are well-informed and that we know the impacts on both the planet and people. The Cornwall Development Wheel helps ensure we consider a range of potential impacts.