On this page you can find emergency out of hours contact numbers.
If you need to report an emergency please use the numbers below - but please only use these numbers for reporting the emergencies that are listed
Emergency services
For the police, fire service or medical emergencies, call 999.
For non-emergencies, you can call the police on 101 and get medical advice by calling 111.
Anti-terrorist hotline - phone the Police on 0800 789 321
Council services
Social care emergencies
- Request help for an adult - 0300 1234 131
- Request help for a child - 01208 251300 - Out of hours social work support for children and young people
Cornwall Housing emergency home repairs
Council Housing emergency repairs - phone 0300 1234 161 if there is:
- A serious threat to your health and safety, such as a gas leak or dangerous electrical fault
- Major damage to the structure of the building
- A serious property related security problem not including lost keys
- Total prolonged loss of essential service, such as gas, water or electricity. It results in a serious impact to immediate health or safety of house occupants
- You are homeless tonight due to not having suitable accommodation available for your occupation
Highways emergency
- Report urgent or hazardous issues on a road or highway - 0300 1234 222
- Report flooding or drainage issues on public roads by phoning 0300 1234 222
- Environment Agency Floodline 24 hour advice - 0345 988 1188
Waste Collections and Street Cleaning
You can report the below by calling 0300 1234 141
- Issues with the potential to cause harm, injury or offence:
- Drug related litter including needles and syringes
- Blood or bodily waste
- Broken glass
- Hazardous fly tips, eg, asbestos, chemical drum/oil/fuel, clinical waste, paint/solvent, raw meat/fish
- Obscene or hate related graffiti on public property (not private buildings or houses)
- Broken or damaged litter bins causing an obstruction or hazard
- Overflowing litter bins
Fire and Community Safety - 0300 1234 232
- Anti-social behaviour
- Community safety
- Crime and anti-social behaviour
- Domestic violence
- Emergency planning
- Fire safety (including petroleum and explosives licences)
- Firework displays
- Vandalism
Utility companies
For gas, water and electrical emergencies
- Wales and West - if you smell gas phone 0800 111 999
- South West Water - to report a water leak phone 0800 230 0561
- Western Power - to report a power cut phone 105 or 0800 6783 105