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Education Welfare Service - Duty referral

If you have immediate concerns or are worried about a child or young person's safety please telephone the Multi Agency Referral Unit (MARU) on 0300 123 1116.

The aim of this form is to gather information on the holistic needs and lived experience of the child that you are concerned about. If the triage process identifies a need for support, the information in the form will help practitioners come together with the school, child, family and any relevant professionals to enable the child to feel and be safe, happy and thrive in school.

All completed forms will be considered under triage pre-stage and, if appropriate sent to other teams/services to assess need. 

All decisions will be underpinned by the United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child including:

  • The best interests of the child must be a top priority in all decisions and actions that affect children (Article 3)
  • Every child has the right to an education. Primary education must be free and different forms of secondary education must be available to every child. Discipline in schools must respect children’s dignity and their rights (Article 28)
  • Goals of education. Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full (Article 29)
  • Respect for the views of the child. Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously (Article 12)

All referrals and its contents MUST be shared with the child, young person and their families and their consent must be gained prior to sending to EWS. Please tick to confirm you have received the consent of both the parent and the young person (if over the age of 13) to allow this referral to be processed. *

Please complete all parts of the form below so that we can provide the appropriate response to your enquiry.

The Child Enquiry form has been paused for the summer holidays. The form will be made available again in September 

Privacy Statement

The information you provide is being collected by Education Service, Together for Families Directorate for the purpose of investigating a child potentially missing education and will be retained up to their 25th birthday.

This information may be shared with other relevant professionals to inform their work.  The data held relating to the delivery of support by Together for Families will be used both for the provision of services. This information will be held in a secure environment in accordance with the TFF data retention policy after which time it will be destroyed in a secure manner.

Our Privacy Notice sets out the basis by which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act.

For further information or assistance on Data Protection matters, please contact the the Quality Assurance Business Manager at or the Council's Data Protection Officer at

Read the full privacy notice

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