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How to enrol and pay for a course

We have a wide variety of courses on offer moving into the new academic year in 2024/25. These courses are split into those that lead to a qualification and those that are taken for leisure.

How to enrol

You should enrol on a course at least one week before the start date. There are a number of ways you can do this:


You can see our full range of courses, find out how much they cost and how to book online using the link below:

View our courses and apply online now!

By phone

By ringing our enquiry line number: 0300 1231 117

Please have your credit or debit card details ready:

  • name of card holder
  • card number (inc. last 3 digits on signature strip)
  • expiry date

We will do our best to answer your call as quickly as possible, but please bear with us during our busiest enrolment times. If the phone is engaged please keep trying or leave a message for us to call you back. 

How to pay for a course

Course fees

Adult Education course fees are exempt from VAT. and are available online, alternatively you can pop into your local centre or call us on 0300 1231 117.

Qualification Courses

If you are 19+ and your gross annual income is less than £25,000 you may be eligible for FREE qualification courses.

Qualification Fee Information

The fees shown apply to UK nationals who have lived in the UK for at least 3 years.

Nationals of other countries and those who haven’t lived in the UK for the last 3 years, may also be eligible for these fees. Please contact us for further information.

Fees shown are the full fee for the course.

Fee remission, where no fees need to be paid, is available for most courses up to Level 3.

This is dependant on circumstances such as:

  • age
  • employment status
  • benefit status
  • income
  • prior attainment

Full Level 2 Examples

5 GCSEs at 9-4 (A-C); NVQs at Level 2; Level 2 BTEC Diplomas

Full Level 3 Examples

2 A Levels; NVQ at Level 3; Level 3 BTEC Diploma; Access to HE Certificate

Please call 0300 1231 117 to discuss course fees.

Non Qualification/Leisure Course fees

Tailored Learning Courses

These courses are for adult learners (19+) and are funded by the ESFA to support wider outcomes which include progression to employment and to further learning. In order to widen participation a concessionary fee is available for anyone in direct receipt of benefits as listed below. Our refund policy below applies to these courses.

  • Job Seekers Allowance, (JSA), (income-based or payable to those who are unemployed)
  • Employment Support Allowance, (ESA)
  • Universal Credit
  • Housing/Council Tax support
  • Pension Credit (Guaranteed credit only)
  • Working Tax Credit (only where the notice shows a household income of less than £25,000)
  • Income Support

Leisure Courses

These courses are not funded by the ESFA and are offered to adult learners (19+) for the pure enjoyment of learning a new skill or hobby with no requirement to work towards achieving wider outcomes.  There are no concessionary fees for these courses.  Our refund policy below applies to these courses.

Spreading the Cost

If you would prefer to spread the cost of your course you may wish to take the opportunity to pay by instalments.  This option is available if your course fee is £60 or over. 

Your costs will be divided equally into monthly instalments (the final instalment must be paid before the end of your course).  The first instalment is due at the point of enrolment which can be paid by cash, cheque, debit or credit card.  You will be required to pay the remaining instalments by setting up a standing order when you enrol.  

Worried about fees and charges

We know that for some people being able to take part in adult education is only possible if they receive assistance towards the cost of:

  • travel
  • books
  • materials
  • childcare

The Education and Skills Funding Agency has allocated some funding. This is to provide financial assistance to these learners. Please ring 0300 1231 117 for information and advice on how to apply for this support.

Advanced Learner Loan

Are you aged 19 or over and thinking about further education?

If you're planning to study at Level 3 to 6 you may qualify for an Advanced Learner Loan.  These loans help you to pay the fees charged by approved colleges and training organisations in England.

You will not start repayments until after you have completed your course and you won't pay anything back until you are earning over £25,000.

For more information visit

Examination Fees

All examination and registration fees are included in the course fees as stated.

Course Materials

For courses requiring essential books and materials, the fee you pay will include this. However you may need to provide your own supplementary books, stationery and additional materials.

Details about any additional materials that may be required will be provided by your tutor.


If a class does not start, or closes due to insufficient enrolments, a full refund of course fees will be made.

If a learner cancels their place on a course more than 5 working days prior to the course start, they will be given a full refund less £20 administration fee.  If a learner cancels their place on a course within 5 working days of the course start, there will be no refund.

Refunds for other reasons are not generally given, other than in exceptional circumstances. These may include bereavement or illness supported by a doctor's certificate.  If a course has already started the refund will be calculated on a pro-rata basis and will be subject to an administration charge of £20. 

Courses, Charges and Cancellations

Courses may be cancelled, or changed, if enrolments are too low or for other reasons. Course details and venues may be changed if necessary.

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