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Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre (CERC)

The Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre (CERC) became operational in March 2017. Suez operate the CERC on behalf of Cornwall Energy Recovery Limited.

The CERC recovers energy from the residual waste that it processes every year. This energy creates enough electricity to power 21,000 homes. The Environment Agency monitors the plant. This is to make sure that it operates in strict accordance with the permit which they have issued. The CERC is large enough to take all household residual waste from Cornwall. There is also room for some commercial waste.

Engagement with local people

The Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre (CERC) Community Forum meet annually to discuss and review matters relating to the facility. They are kept up to date through regular emails and newsletters.

The Community Forum minutes are available online on the

Suez Community Liason webpageIf you have a question to ask, please email

The facility includes a purpose built visitor centre with interactive displays and activities. Visits are welcomed from schools, universities and local interest groups. Open days are also arranged throughout the year.

Visits can be arranged via the Suez website.

Book a Suez visit

Community funding

Cornwall Council and Cornwall Energy Recovery Limited provide local community funding. The funding supports projects and initiatives for the lifetime of the CERC. The funding is managed by the St Dennis & Nanpean Community Trust. The Trust is made up of local residents and parish councillors. Local community groups, voluntary organisations and individuals can apply for funding. A Grant Panel meets monthly to review applications.

Panel meeting dates and application details are on the St Dennis and Nanpean Community Trust website.

Information about emissions and the monitoring of air quality

Emission levels are recorded by monitors at the base of the CERC's chimneys. This is done in accordance with the requirements of the facility's environmental permit. More information about emissions and energy generation is available on the Suez website.

Air quality is also monitored by an Independent Accountable Body.

Visit our air quality page

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