Is your community group or business looking for funding?
If you are a business or a community group / voluntary organisation and looking for funds, you can follow the links below to help in your search.
Community groups and projects
Specialist advisors for community groups include:
Cornwall Council Community Chest
The Community Chest gives small grants to not-for-profit groups across Cornwall. Each Cornwall Councillor has a small grants budget to support projects in their area. For further details, please see Cornwall Council Community Chest.
Funding websites
- Cornwall Community Foundation
- Big Lottery Fund
- Sport England
- Locality List of Grants
- Arts Council
- Lottery Heritage Funding
- Crowdfunder
Useful information
- Ministry of housing, Communities and Local Government
- National Council for Voluntary Organisations NCVO
- Cornwall Association for Local Councils
Starting a new community/ sports group
If you are setting up a community group that needs funds, you will need to agree a constitution that explains how you will operate.
- Guidance on a simple community constitution.
- Types of community organisation structures
- Sports Club - please look at the Sport England page for support with governance and policies
Businesses in Cornwall
Growth Hub
If you are a business based in Cornwall please follow the link below to access the GrowthHub Business Support. This service can be used as often as you need.