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Leisure centres, gyms and swimming pools

Please find the links to all of our facilities below.

Better Leisure 

Greenwich Leisure Limited facilities

Independent Centres

Other leisure facilities

Leisure Strategy

In Cornwall, there are 14 public leisure centres with indoor pool facilities and over 200 sports and physical activity groups.

There are 11 leisure operators involved in the partnership all listed above.

Sports and leisure facilities are an important part of Cornwall’s physical activity offer.

We work closely cross the Cornwall Leisure Partnership Forum, who are the strategic lead for the development of leisure in Cornwall. 

We also work closely with our physical activity partnership, Active Cornwall.

Active Cornwall website

They are a not-for-profit organisation.

They are the leading advocate in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly for the benefits that physical activity can bring to people and places.

Particularly those with;

  • the fewest opportunities
  • the most barriers
  • and those who have the greatest to gain from a physically active lifestyle

Active Cornwall website provides a directory of sports and links to clubs and activities for you to get involved in.

Active Cornwall sport directory

To drive forward our approach to Leisure, Cornwall Council has commissioned a Leisure Strategy.

As part of the Sport England framework, this strategy will include a full review of our leisure and sports provision.

This includes;

  • playing pitches
  • and facilities

This will be published in summer 2024.

Read the Sport England Framework