Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 2022-25
Providers of local community pharmaceutical services have a crucial role to play in improving the health of local people. They are often the first point of contact, especially for those who might otherwise struggle to access health services. Improved use of the skills and abilities of community pharmacists, in particular, working in partnership with other service providers, will play an important part in achieving the strategic goals of the NHS.
Every three years, the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) has to publish a statement of the needs for community pharmaceutical services across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. This is referred to as a pharmaceutical needs assessment (PNA). Community pharmaceutical services include local chemists, dispensing doctors (doctors that can dispense medication to patients in rural areas) and dispensing appliance contractors (businesses which dispense medical appliances such as catheters).
The PNA helps identify whether there are any gaps in the provision of pharmaceutical services across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly which means identifying if any new services, improvements or better access to existing services, are needed. The PNA considers the demographics of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly population, its health priorities, as well as how pharmaceutical services can contribute to improving the health of Cornwall and Isles of Scilly residents now and in the future.
The final Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2021/25 concludes:
- the current provision is suitable to meet the needs of residents
- there is sufficient capacity in the system to meet the needs of the population over the next 3 years
[Please note: Pharmacy profiles listed below should be read alongside the report linked above]
If you any queries regarding the PNA please contact the Public Health Analysts team via email (
The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Primary Care Network Profiles provide summary health indicators across Cornwall. There are 15 Primary Care Network areas in Cornwall.
- Contact details and opening hours.
- Maps showing location, walking and driving distances
- Strategy maps showing any future developments in the main towns
- Arbenneck Health Pharmacy PCN Profile
- Coast and Country Pharmacy PCN Profile
- Coastal Pharmacy PCN Profile
- East Cornwall Pharmacy PCN Profile
- Falmouth and Penryn Pharmacy PCN Profile
- Isles of Scilly and South Kerrier Pharmacy PCN Profile
- Launceston and Tamar Valley Pharmacy PCN Profile
- North Cornwall Coast Pharmacy PCN Profile
- North Kerrier East Pharmacy PCN Profile
- North Kerrier West Pharmacy PCN Profile
- Not Yet in a PCN Pharmacy PCN Profile
- Penwith Pharmacy PCN Profile
- St Austell Healthcare Pharmacy PCN Profile
- Three Harbours Pharmacy PCN Profile
- Truro Pharmacy PCN Profile
- Watergate Pharmacy PCN Profile
There are also Primary Care Network Profiles for each area. Further socio-demographic information can be obtained by accessing the Community Profiles.
Note: We ensure that all references are up to date at the time of publication of our JSNA papers. However, some of the reference web links may have since expired/broken. These are still included for complete referencing.
Previous versions of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly PNAs are available for request. Please email to make a request.
Any updates to the PNA will appear here:
- Supplementary Statement - January 2022 :
- Supplementary Statement - January 2024
- Supplementary Statement - April 2024
- Supplementary Statement - August 2024