Community and health based profiles provide a snapshot of the population across Cornwall. They help build an understanding of our population and help inform:
- plans
- strategies
- funding bids
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Population Health Summary
This report provides an overview of the health and wellbeing needs of the population across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. It uses information, data and intelligence from a wide range of sources. Alongside the community profiles this provides a consistent evidence base for decision makers and commissioners across the NHS, Local Authorities (Cornwall Council and Council of the Isles of Scilly) and wider partners.
View the 2021-22 Population Health Profile
Community and health profiles
Understanding the profile of our population at different geographical levels is key to ensuring we understand the needs of our population. Our Community Profiles allow you to find, explore and use a wide range of facts and figures for Cornwall and can help highlight variations.
View the Community Insight Profiles for Cornwall and Isles of Scilly
Primary Care Network Profiles
Primary Care Network Profiles provide summary health indicators across Cornwall. There are 15 Primary Care Network areas in Cornwall.
Note: We ensure that all references are up to date at the time of publication of our JSNA papers. However, some of the reference web links may have since expired/broken. These are still included for complete referencing.
- 2022 Launceston And Tamar Valley PCN Profile (1)
- 2022 North Cornwall Coast PCN Profile (1)
- 2022 North Kerrier East PCN Profile (1)
- 2022 North Kerrier West PCN Profile (1)
- 2022 Not Yet In A PCN Profile (1)
- 2022 Penwith PCN Profile (1)
- 2022 St Austell Healthcare PCN Profile (1)
- 2022 Three Harbours And Bosvena Health PCN Profile (1)
- 2022 Truro PCN Profile (1)
- 2022 Watergate PCN Profile (1)
- 2022 Arbennek Health PCN Profile
- 2022 Coast And Country PCN Profile (1)
- 2022 Coastal PCN Profile (1)
- 2022 East Cornwall PCN Profile (1)
- 2022 Falmouth And Penryn PCN Profile (1)
- 2022 Isles Of Scilly And South Kerrier PCN Profile (1)
Other Profiles
Health Profiles provide summary health indicators. These show howthe latest Cornwall Health Profile compares to the national average.
- Cornwall Health Profile 2019
- Cornwall Health Profile 2018
- Cornwall Health Profile 2016
- Cornwall Health Profile 2015
- Cornwall Health Profile 2014
- Cornwall Health Profile 2013
- Cornwall Health Profile 2009
- Cornwall Health Profile 2012
- Cornwall Health Profile 2011
- Cornwall Health Profile 2010
Kernow CCG Pack provides information covering a wide range of areas
- population, births, socio-economic data,
- risk factors - data on smoking, alcohol, exercise, diet and obesity
- alcohol - risky behaviours and hospital admissions
- primary care - information on condition specific emergency admissions by practice
- service user views - opinions on GP practices based on the patient survey
General Practice (GP) Profiles provide access to individual practice profiles. Each practice can be compared with the CCG and England. The profiles also show the practice deprivation decile.
Mental Health
Children and young people mental health and wellbeing profile collates and analyses a range of data. The data is on those services that support children with, or vulnerable to, mental illness. It includes:
- Risk
- Prevalence and detail (including cost data)
Neurology profile illustrates health statistics around emergency hospital admissions:
- Twelve common neurological conditions
- A detailed analysis of an epilepsy care pathway.
Co-existing substance misuse and mental health issue profile provides data around:
- Tobacco smoking
- Alcohol use
- Drug use
To enable benchmarking for Cornwall against other areas it includes data on:
- Prevalence
- Risk factors
- Treatment demand and treatment response
Common mental health disorders profile contains key indicators. This profile helps assess and benchmark indicators linked to this condition.
Severe mental illness profile presents data relating to people with severe mental illness:
- Collated risk, prevalence, early intervention, assessment and treatment, outcomes and service costs data
- A set of high level indicators that relate to the psychosis care pathway
Public Health Programmes
The NHS Health Check programme is for those aged 40 to 74. Providing a set of indicators to help understand how Cornwall performs against the national average.
The NHS Health Check aims to help prevent:
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- Diabetes
- Kidney disease
- Certain types of dementia
The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) is around school childrens weight measurements. Children in Reception (age 4-5 years) and Year 6 (age 10-11 years) prevalence of:
- Underweight
- Healthy weight
- Overweight
- Obesity
Disease and Long Term Conditions
The Cancer profile gives a ‘snapshot’ of cancer within Cornwall. This also shows how this relates to the national average.
The Liver disease profile gives a ‘snapshot’ of liver disease and associated risk factors within Cornwall. This also shows how this relates to the national average.
The Cardiovascular profile is made up of five chapters which look at:
This profile compares Cornwall with England, a group of similar CCGs and its strategic clinical network (SCN).
The Learning disability profile provides a range of data about people with learning disabilities. This profile compares Cornwall to the SW Region, and England.
The Diabetes profile gives a ‘snapshot’ overview of diabetes and associated risk factors. This profile compares Cornwall with England, a group of similar CCGs and its strategic clinical network (SCN).
The Hypertension profile compares how Cornwall is detecting and treating high blood pressure. Cornwall is in comparison to the SW Region and England.
Children and Young Peoples Health
Breastfeeding - reports on women seen by a healthcare professional within 12 weeks and 6 days of their maternity. Mothers’ breastfeeding and the number of infants breastfed at 6-8 weeks are included.
Children and Young Peoples Mental Health Profile. - This data compares the local area against other local authorities and nationally, presented under:
- Risk and Related Factors
- Prevalence
- Health
- Social Care
- Education