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Image Description
Easy read image of a group of people PROPER JOB is for people with learning disabilities and or autism
Easy read logo for Proper Job PROPER JOB gives you lots of new opportunities and support to help you
Easy read picture of man thinking
  • learn new skills
Easy read picture of girl making a heart sign and the word give
  •  volunteer
Easy read picture of different people in a work place
  •  get ready for a job
 Easy read picture of a newpaper jobs page and magnifying glass
  •  find a job


What sort of things can I do?

This will depend on what you might like to do. You might like to

Image Description
Easy read image of woman holding saucepan
  • help out in one of our cafes
Easy read picture of teacher in a training room
  • do some training and learn new skills
Easy read picture of a girl making a heart shape with her hands and the word give
  • do some volunteering
Easy read picture of a newspaper jobs page with a magnifying glass
  • look for a job


The information you give us ...

Image Description
Easy read symbol I for informationEasy read picture of three document folders The information you give us will be held by Cornwall Council
Easy read picture of a woman on the telephone We use this information to contact you
Easy read picture of monthly pages form a calendar We will keep your information for 12 months
Easy read picture of the letter I symbol for informationEasy read picture of a padlock We will keep your information safe and secure


We promise

Image Description
Easy read picture of Cornwall Council logo Our promise


How we look after your information

Image Description
Easy read picture of an easy read leafletEasy read picture of a woman with her finger to her lips and the word confidential Our privacy statement


More information

Image Description
Easy read picture of the letter I symbol for informationEasy read picture of text symbol and an email address

For more information email

Easy read picture of a woman reading an easy read leaflet. The text reads, 'Easy read made by the CHAMPs team, Healthy Cornwall, 2022'

 Made with photosymbols accreditation mark. The text reads, 'made with photosymbols'

Make a referral to PROPER JOB

You can use the form below if you would like some more information or you would like to join PROPER JOB

Register your interest

Need help?

Most issues can be resolved online, it's the quickest and most convenient way to get help.

PROPER Job banner

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