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How we use your personal information to provide adult social care services

Adult Social Care privacy notices

Privacy notices set out when and how we process personal information about you and for what purposes.

Cornwall Council is a data controller under the UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). We collect personal information to provide services and to meet our statutory obligations. This could be when you apply for or receive our services, living in or visiting the county or using our website. Our Corporate Privacy Notice gives a general overview of our responsibilities and processes regarding personal data as well as explaining your personal data rights.

Read our Corporate Privacy Notice

Each service area within Care and Wellbeing also has its own Privacy Notice. These explain in detail how services use your information and the legal basis for this use. Please see the links below to the privacy notices for the services within the Care & Wellbeing Directorate.

Please contact us at if you have any concerns about the way we process your data.

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