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Domestic abuse and sexual violence - help and advice

For people living with domestic abuse, coronavirus measures may have serious impacts on their lives.

For some people, home is not always a safe place. Covid restrictions may cause some adults and children to feel even more worried.

Domestic abuse can be:

  • threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional)
  • between intimate partner, ex-partners, family members
  • experienced by people over the age of 16

Whatever form it takes, domestic abuse is rarely a one-off incident.

It is often a pattern of abusive and controlling behaviour and can get worse over time. Domestic abuse can take in the home, but can happen in a public place or in the workplace.

For support, contact our local domestic abuse and sexual violence service, Safer Futures: 0300 777 4777 (9am – 5pm, Mon – Fri)


Cornwall Refuge Trust’s 24hr helpline on 01872 225629 for support outside of those hours.

Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence can happen to anyone and effects;

  • individuals
  • and their families.

We aim to tackle domestic abuse and sexual violence in forms and ensure support is accessible to throughout Cornwall.

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