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Elm Trees

Since the mid 1970's Cornwall, and the rest of England, has seen a dramatic and catastrophic change in it's landscape due to elm disease. Elms formed the rows of tall hedgerow trees which protected crops, buildings and stock from the Cornish weather. Elm wood was also traditionally used to make Cornish Gigs. The Elm was therefore a very important tree in Cornwall, however there is hope for the future.

Type of elms found in Cornwall

Elms are particularly difficult to identify and there has been much confusion in their naming over the years. There are a number of species and varieties found in Cornwall, including the Dutch elm with its characteristic corky bark on the young twigs.

The distinctive "Cornish Elm" (Ulmus stricta) with its erect leafy branches and small leaves was once the dominant hedgerow tree in many parts of Cornwall. It was especially noticeable in exposed coastal areas where it was often the only tree to be found.

Davey's elm (Ulmus daveyi), which looks like a hybrid between the native wych elm and the smooth-leaved elm (of which 'Cornish Elm' is a variety) is to be found in some parts of the County. Most notably around Gulval, Newquay, the Roseland and St Kew. Like all elms it is susceptible to elm disease, however it does appear to be more resistant to the disease than many other varieties. Many mature trees survive even today.

The European White elm (Ulmus laevis) was planted in a few locations as an ornamental tree and mature specimens survive today near Calstock, Torpoint and Truro.

Cornish Elms across Cornwall, Devon and Brittany (from where it is thought to have been introduced to Cornwall in the Roman or Anglo Saxon periods) have been shown to be genetically identical. This has undoubtedly led to their susceptibility to elm disease.

Why elms were common in Cornwall

Elms are not often found in woodland, but have become ideally suited to farmland and around farm buildings and have thus become established as the most common hedgerow tree. They are: -

  • Easily propagated from suckers and cuttings
  • Fast growing
  • Quite long lived
  • Elegant
  • Suitable for pollarding and coppicing
  • Provide a useful timber
  • And, most important in Cornwall, are extremely salt resistant.

Elm Disease

Often called Dutch Elm Disease, it is caused by a wilt virus that is spread by Elm Bark Beetles which feed on young twigs. The fungus spreads down the vascular tissue and blocks it. This causes the leaves and twigs to wilt and goes on to kill whole branches and the tree. The disease can remain active for several years in the root system and re-infections can occur from the roots. The disease can also spread from tree to tree along their common root system.

For further information on Elm disease please go to the Forestry Commission's Dutch elm disease in Britain web page.

Elm Disease - Further Reading

  • Forestry Commission Booklet 42: Field Recognition of British Elms (1974).
  • Field Guide to the Trees of Britain and Northern Ireland, Alan Mitchell. Collins.
  • The History of the Countryside, Oliver Rackham. Dent (1986).
  • An Epitaph for the Elm, Gerald Wilkinson. Hutchinson (1978).
  • Forestry Commission Research Information Note 252 Dutch Elm Disease in Britain. 

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