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Common Land Application fees

This page explains the fees payable to Cornwall Council as the commons registration authority for the county of Cornwall.

From 15 December 2014 certain fees will also be payable to the Planning Inspectorate acting as the determining authority for certain applications. Please see paragraphs 17(6), 26(2)(3) and (4) and Schedule 6 to the Commons Registration (England) Regulations 2014.

Apply to amend the Common Land Town or Village Greens Register

Provision under, or for the purposes of which, the application is made Purpose of application Cornwall Council Application Fee

Regulation 43



Regulation 43

declaration of entitlement to exercise a right of common, exercisable over one register unit.

declaration of entitlement to exercise a right of common, exercisable over two or more register units.





Section 6 of the 2006 Act

creation of a right of common resulting in the registration of new common land.

no fee

Section 6 of the 2006 Act

creation of a right of common over existing common land.


Section 7 of the 2006 Act

variation of a right of common.


Section 8 of the 2006 Act

apportionment of a right of common.


Section 10 of the 2006 Act

attachment of a right of common.

No fee

Section 11 of the 2006 Act

re-allocation of rights attaching to land.


Section 12 of the 2006 Act

transfer of a right held in gross.


Section 13 of the 2006 Act

surrender or extinguishment of a right of common.


Schedule 4, paragraph 8

statutory disposition pursuant to s.14 of the 2006 Act (including the exchange of land for land subject to a statutory disposition).


Section 15A of the 2006 Act; s.15 Growth and Infrastructure Act 2013;

s.31(6) Highways Act 1980

landowner statement

additional parcel

joint landowner statements and declarations.




Section 15(1) of the 2006 Act


Section 15(8) of the 2006 Act

registration of a new town or village green, other than by the owner.

registration of a new town or village green by the owner.

No fee


No fee

Section 19 (2) (a) or (c) of the 2006 Act

correction of a mistake made by registration authority or removing a duplicate entry from the register.

 No fee

Section 19 (2) (b) of the 2006 Act

correction, for a purpose described in section 19(2)(b).


Section 19 (2) (d) or (e) of the 2006 Act

correction, to update the details of any name or address, or to take account of accretion or diluvion.


Schedule 1, paragraph 1(6)(b), to the 2006 Act

severance by transfer to public bodies.


Schedule 1, paragraph 3(7)(b), to the 2006 Act

severance authorised by an order.


Schedule 2, paragraph 2 or 3, to the 2006 Act

Application period ended 31st December 2020. N/A

Schedule 2, paragraph 4, to the 2006 Act.

Application period ended 31st December 2020. N/A

Schedule 2, paragraph 5, to the 2006 Act.

Application period ended 31st December 2020. N/A

Sxchedule 2, paragraphs 6 - 9 of the 2006 Act.

Application period ended 31st December 2020. N/A

Schedule 3, paragraph 2 or 4, to the 2006 Act. Application made after the end of the transitional application period.

creation of a right of common.


Schedule 3, paragraph 2 or 4 to the 2006 Act. Application made after the end of the transitional application period.

surrender or extinguishment of a right of common.


Schedule 3, paragraph 2 or 4 to the 2006 Act. Application made after the end of the transitional application period.

variation of a right of common.


Schedule 3, paragraph 2 or 4 to the 2006 Act. Application made after the end of the transitional application period.

apportionment of a right of common (to facilitate any other purpose).


Schedule 3, paragraph 2 or 4 to the 2006 Act. Application made after the end of the transitional application period.

severance of a right of common.


Schedule 3, paragraph 2 or 4 to the 2006 Act. Application made after the end of the transitional application period.

transfer of a right held in gross.


Schedule 3, paragraph 2 or 4 to the 2006 Act. Application made after the end of the transitional application period.

statutory disposition (including the exchange of land for land subject to a statutory disposition).





Regulation 53 of The Commons Registration (England) Regulation 2014. 

Provision of an official copy of, or of any part of, any register or document referred to in section 21(1) of the 2006 Act.


Work not specified in the Regulations. i.e. searching for land to which rights of common attach.


(£77.50 + VAT)

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