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Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

The local strategy

Under Section 9 of the Flood and Water Management Act, Cornwall Council, as Lead Local Flood Authority, must:

  • develop
  • maintain
  • apply
  • monitor and
  • publish a local strategy for flood risk management

Cornwall Council formally adopted the Cornwall Local Flood Risk Management Strategy on 5th November 2014. The Council agreed to review the strategy every six years. The Strategy was refreshed in 2020. The Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee approved this update on 26th November 2020. The next review will be in 2026.

Part 1 Strategic Vision

The Strategic Vision is Part 1 of Cornwall's Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.

Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

This was produced by Cornwall Council, partner authorities and key stakeholders. Please get in touch if you have any comments.

The Strategy's design process

  • Internal and partner consultation ran during January and February 2014
  • The public consultation ran during June and July 2014
  • Cornwall Council's Cabinet adopted the document on 5th November 2014
  • Refreshed in 2020
  • The public consultation ran during September and October 2020
  • Cornwall Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee approved the updated document on 26th November 2020

The main changes between the 2014 and 2020 Strategic Vision included an increased emphasis on climate change impacts and the need for adaptation. It also included Nature-Based Solutions and Property Flood Resilience.

The document outlines the responsibilities of the Risk Management Authorities in Cornwall. It details how they are working in partnership to coordinate local flood risk management. The document covers

  • engaging with communities
  • preparing for floods
  • responding to flood events
  • collaborating on flood risk studies
  • investing in flood improvements.

We produced this strategy as Lead Local Flood Authority for Cornwall. This is a requirement under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.

Part 2 Community Flood Risk Profiles

The community profiles are Stage 2 of Cornwall's Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. They are developed and updated on an ongoing basis. More communities are included as and when possible.

The profiles compile flood risk information at a town or community local level. For each location they set out the known issues and evidence.  This is to identify actions that can help manage the risk of flooding at a local level.

The purpose of the profiles is to record information, relevant to flood risk management, that is specific to each community.  The profiles also bring together information from many different sources. Thus, they provide a compilation of flood risk data for ease of reference.  They are supported by Cornwall Council's strategic flood risk mapping facility.

View Cornwall's Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)

Quick links to open the mapping are also provided within each profile.

You can view the flood risk profiles using the links below:

Part 3 Annual Report

The Annual Report provides an overview of current flood risk issues in Cornwall.  It supports flood defence applications and interventions. It lets the public know what actions Cornwall Council are taking to manage flood risks.

The Report and Action Plan is produced in line with the Medium Term Plan, (the process by which risk management authorities apply for flood risk funding). The first Annual Report was produced in 2016.

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