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Flood Risk Management Projects

On this page you will find information on some of our Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Projects. These projects involve working in partnership with other Risk Management Authorities, such as the Environment Agency, South West Water and others.

Property flood resilience

Property Flood Resilience (PFR) is sometimes called Property Level Protection (PLP) and Individual Property Protection (IPP).

Sometimes it is inevitable that a property will flood. This is because it is in a location that is vulnerable to flooding and a flood protection scheme isn't viable. This may be for technical, practical or economic reasons. PFR is about making individual properties more resilient for when they do flood.

Cornwall Council has recently run two projects to promote PFR:

  • South West PFR Pathfinder: Cornwall Council led one of three national pathfinder projects funded by Defra.  The purpose of the project was to boost the uptake of PFR. To achieve this, the project investigated barriers to PFR. It also created a demonstration site, mobile roadshow and much more. Look out for the Be Flood Ready logo.
  • Cornwall PFR Delivery Project. Cornwall Council and the Environment Agency pooled funds to provide a PFR grant scheme. This scheme helped local people to access and install PFR measures. We provided over 40 flood hazard surveys and supported almost 30 households to install PFR measures on their properties. 

The Council is currently developing a new PFR scheme. This scheme will provide property flood hazard surveys and grants for homeowners to install PFR. If you would be interested in a receiving a PFR grant in future, please register your interest on our Let's Talk Cornwall page.

European Union - European Regional Development Fund

The St Austell Bay Resilient Regeneration (StARR) Project

The StARR project aims to reduce flood risk to communities living and working in the St Austell Bay area, particularly in Par and St Blazey. The scheme will bring additional benefits to the area by encouraging investment and making St Austell Bay a better place to work, live and play. StARR has won several awards, most recently being shortlisted for a Flood & Coast Excellence Award.

Partnership working

These organisations are working in partnership to develop the StARR project:

  • Cornwall Council
  • The Environment Agency
  • The Westcountry Rivers Trust
  • The University of Exeter
  • South West Water


The project received funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This is part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. Additional funding was provided by a variety of sources including:

  • DEFRA Growth funds
  • Flood Defence Grant in Aid
  • South West Water
  • Cornwall Council

For further information please email

Please visit the StARR page for more communications and details of the project. You can also watch this video to learn more about the project:

Watch the StARR project video

Looe flood defence scheme

Looe is described as “the most frequently flooded town in the UK” and is at risk of even more severe flooding as a result of climate change.

We want to provide an ambitious flood defence scheme which:

  • safeguards the entire town centre, fishing fleet and harbour from increasingly frequent flooding,
  • supports the regeneration of Looe by encouraging business growth,
  • delivers new and improved rail, road, ferry, cycling and walking links. 

This exciting project is being led by a range of partners. These include:

  • Cornwall Council
  • Looe Harbour Commissioners
  • Environment Agency
  • Looe Town Council
  • Looe Development Trust
  • West Looe Town Trust
  • East Looe Town Trust and
  • The RNLI

A Looe Flood Defence Scheme is vital to maintaining Looe as a viable fishing and tourism destination. It will also secure its environmental, social and economic sustainability 

Different options have considered as potential solutions during the past 20 years. Unfortunately, following detailed consideration, none were considered to be viable. 

In July 2015 Looe Harbour Commissioners funded work to design a new food defence scheme. 95% of local residents supported the draft design. 

In March 2019 Cornwall Council’s Cabinet supported the development of the Looe Flood Defence project. Members allocated £2.3m from the South-East Cornwall Regeneration Programme.  The aim was to develop a viable and environmentally friendly solution to the flooding challenges. 

Work is taking place on a bid for funding to the Government. This will assist in developing the next stage of the design work. 

Changes to the harbour area will need a harbour revision order. This will take up to 18 months to complete. This work is being led by Looe Harbour Commissioners.

Please read attached leaflet for further information. 

Looe is at the bottom of the narrowest part of the Looe valley where the river meets the sea. This makes it particularly vulnerable to flooding. This is by high sea water levels and wave action in the inner harbour. And also by surface water flooding from intense rainfall during storms. 

Looe is a key tourist destination. It is also a thriving fishing port. It provides high quality fish for local and national fish markets.  

65% of businesses in the town flood on a regular basis. This has caused £39m of damage in the last five years. This has deterred investment and reduced opportunities for growth. Many local businesses have been unable to get insurance. 

Over the next 100 years, sea levels are predicted to rise by more than 1 metre.  This will increase the area at risk of flooding from 2.5 hectares to 16 hectares.

This expanded flood prone area includes :

  • the local GP surgery
  • the police station and fire station
  • main food stores and cafes
  • the fish market  

Tourism is worth around £47.8m to the local economy. It directly supports more than 1,100 jobs in Looe. It indirectly supports a further 400 jobs. 

An increase in the risk of flooding could deter people from visiting the town. It could also affect holiday parks, communities and businesses across South East Cornwall.  

The flood prone area also includes key transport links. These include:

  • the A387 which crosses the Looe River joining West and East Looe together
  • and the railway station which connects the town to the mainline at Liskeard

Increased flooding will be catastrophic for the town and the wider local economy.

The emerging Looe Neighbourhood Development Plan recognises the importance of the harbour to the economy of the town

The Looe Neighbourhood (Development) Plan Vision is:

“By 2030, Looe will be a community that has revitalised its maritime and coastal-based economy into one that brings prosperity to all.  It will significantly reduce its impact on the environment, whilst maintaining its special character”.

The proposal is supported by the local community and landowners. It aligns with the Looe Neighbourhood Development Plan.

It includes:

  • A tidal barrier which will close when a flood warning is issued.
  • A breakwater. This will prevent wave overtopping of the flood gates during tidal surges. It will also offer a shelter for vessels when the flood gates are closed.
  • An extension to the Banjo pier. This will create a low water landing stage providing all day easy access to the harbour. This may have also help improve bathing water quality
  • A cut-off wall below East Looe beach. This will prevent tidal flooding bypassing the tidal barrier
  • A new walkway from Pennyland in the town to Hannafore. This will provide access to the coast path and protected access off of the main road.

The main aims of the proposal are to :

  • safeguard the entire town centre, fishing fleet and harbour from increasingly frequent flooding,
  • protect more than 200 homes and businesses from increasingly frequent flooding
  • allow the emergency services to remain operational.

It will also support the regeneration of Looe and ensure the long term sustainability of the area by:

  • encouraging £49.8m new business growth
  • providing continuous access to the harbour side at all times of the day
  • improving bathing water quality, and
  • restoring the missing link of the south-west coast path

Looe is at the centre of an exciting emerging network of integrated travel and leisure opportunities.

The scheme will provide:

  • improved rail links, with new investment in the Looe Valley branch line
  • 24/7 access to sea and coastal ferry links, and
  • the development of a new south east Cornwall cycle hub. Based at the centre of a new network of routes this will address the gap in the national cycle network. The aim is to mirror the success and significance of the North Cornwall cycle links. This includes the Camel Trail which attracts more than 500,000 visitors a year to the local area.

This is a major project which will have a significant impact on the town.

We are working with local organisations and key stakeholders to develop the scheme. 

These include :

  • the Harbour Commissioners
  • the Town Council
  • Looe Development Trust and
  • East and West Looe Town Trusts.

We want the views of local residents and businesses to help shape the scheme. This will ensure that it meets the needs of all parts of the wider community.

We will provide regular updates and information on the website. We will also provide monthly newsletters.

We will organise workhops and briefings for community groups and organisations. We will also stage exhibitions and displays in the town. This will enable people to come and talk to the members of the team leading the development of the project.

We will also be using surveys and online questionnaires to enable people to give us their views.

You can also contact us via email at

The current estimated costs for delivering this project are between £60m and £70m.

Some funding has already been committed by local organisations. These include :

  • Cornwall Council,
  • Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership
  • Looe Harbour Commissioners
  • the Environment Agency
  • Looe Town Council.

There is still a significant shortfall in funding. This will need to be met by other means.

We are working with partners and key stakeholders to develop a strategic outline business case for funding. This will be presented to the Government in August.

If this receives Government support work will continue on developing a detailed Outline Business Case. This will then be presented to the Government in due course.

Discussions are also taking place with other bodies to encourage joint working. These include :

  • South West Water
  • Devon and Cornwall Police (the landowner) and
  • Network Rail

If funding is secured work could begin on constructing the scheme in 2024 / 2026.


Our quarterly newsletter will keep you in touch with what is happening with the development of Looe Flood Defence scheme.  It will provide the latest information about events, activities and key milestones.

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