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Made Definitive Map Orders

Modification Orders under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 recently made by the Council, for which the period of notice is still outstanding are shown below:

The Cornwall Council (Addition of a Bridleway at Hendra Downs in the Parish of Altarnun) Modification Order 2024

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 – Section 53

The Making of The Cornwall Council (Addition of a Bridleway at Hendra Downs in the Parish of Altarnun) Modification Order 2024

The above Order was made by Cornwall Council on 25th April 2024. As required by Schedule 15 Paragraph 11(1), (2) and (3) to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Cornwall Council hereby gives notice of the making of the order.

Any representation about or objection to the Order must be sent in writing to the:

Public Rights of Way Team Leader
Cornwall Council Countryside Access Team
PO Box 676

(quoting Reference WCA 697) not later than 28th June 2024 stating the grounds on which they are made.

The Cornwall Council (Addition of Footpaths at Trenow in the Parish of Perranuthnoe) Modification Order 2024

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 – Section 53

The Cornwall Council (Addition of Footpaths at Trenow in the Parish of Perranuthnoe) Modification Order 2024

The above Order was made by Cornwall Council on 20 February 2024. As required by Schedule 15 Paragraph 11(1), (2) and (3) to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Cornwall Council hereby gives notice of the making of the Order.

Any representation about or objection to the Order must be sent in writing to the:

Senior Natural Environment Records Officer
Cornwall Council Countryside Access Team
PO Box 676

(quoting Reference WCA 579) not later than 14 April 2024 stating the grounds on which they are made.

The Cornwall Council (Upgrade of a Footpath to Restricted Byway at Treveans in the Parish of Delabole) Modification Order 2024

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 – Section 53

The Cornwall Council (Upgrade of a Footpath to Restricted Byway at Treveans in the Parish of Delabole) Modification Order 2024

The above Order was made by Cornwall Council on 6 February 2024. As required by Schedule 15 Paragraph 11(1), (2) and (3) to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Cornwall Council hereby gives notice of the making of the Order.

Any representation about or objection to the Order must be sent in writing to the:

Senior Natural Environment Records Officer
Cornwall Council Countryside Access Team
PO Box 676

(quoting Reference WCA 576) not later than 8th  April  2024 stating the grounds on which they are made.

The Cornwall Council (Addition of a Footpath at Maker Heights in the Parish of Maker-with-Rame) Modification Order 2024

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 – Section 53

The Making of The Cornwall Council (Addition of a Footpath at Maker Heights in the Parish of Maker-with-Rame) Modification Order 2024

The above Order was made by Cornwall Council on 16 January 2024. As required by Schedule 15 Paragraph 11(1), (2) and (3) to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Cornwall Council hereby gives notice of the making of the order.

Any representation about or objection to the Order must be sent in writing to the:

Senior Natural Environment Records Officer
Cornwall Council Countryside Access Team
PO Box 676

(quoting Reference WCA 624) not later than 7 March 2024 stating the grounds on which they are made.

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