The Council or the Secretary of State confirms Modification Orders made under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
This page lists all Modification Orders that have recently been confirmed:
The Cornwall Council (Addition of a Bridleway at Hendra Downs in the parish of Altarnun) Modification Order 2024
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 – Section 53
The above Order was confirmed by Cornwall Council on 10th September 2024. As required by Schedule 15 Paragraph 11(1), (2) and (3) to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 Cornwall Council hereby gives notice of the confirmation of the order.
Please note that any applications to the High Court in respect of the validity of the order or the statutory procedures must be made in the required manner within six weeks of the date of the notice.
Public Rights of Way Team Leader
Cornwall Council Countryside Access Team
PO Box 676