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The Carbon Neutral Challenge

IPCC Climate Change 2021 report

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has published its sixth assessment report.

Read the AR6 report on the IPCC website

In their Climate Change 2021 report, the IPCC concludes that:

  • there is still time to limit the worst effects of climate change
  • stabilising the climate will require the globe to reach net-zero CO2e emissions by 2050
  • human activities have already caused around 1.1°C warming
  • the planet’s climate is warming faster than anything experienced
  • every part of our planet is already seeing increasing changes in their climate systems
  • global warming is very likely to reach 1.5°C by 2040
  • climate change is intensifying the water cycle affecting rainfall patterns
  • coastal areas will see continued sea-level rise throughout the 21st century
  • further warming will amplify impacts on frozen regions
  • the ocean is warming and acidifying.

For urban areas, some aspects of climate change may increase.

View and download Cornwall Council's summary briefing paper of the IPCC report

The trend towards a hotter climate

The image below shows how the temperatures across England are increasing every year.  This sets a clear trend towards a hotter climate bringing significant consequences.

Warming Stripes 1884 to 2023

The 'Warming Stripes' by Professor Ed Hawkins MBE show how global temperatures have increased from 1884 to 2023. 

Warming stripes 1884-2023

The bars illustrate temperatures going from blue (cool) to red (hot). From left to right are the years 1884 to 2023.  A clear trend is visible.  In earlier years the blue bars are the most common.  As we look to the right, the red bars become the norm - not the exception.   

Imperial College London and the Grantham Institute have developed a set of Frequently Asked Questions.  These bring together expert knowledge on climate science, economics and politics.  Find out more about the climate crisis and possible solutions on a national and global scale. 

Where Cornwall's carbon emissions come from

The diagram below shows where Cornwall's 2021 carbon emissions come from.

Road transport and homes make up 44% of Cornwall's total emissions. This highlights how individual actions and choices could make a big impact.

We are working with partners and the wider community to make positive changes to their lifestyles to reduce carbon emissions.
Emissions by sector

The bar chart shows different sectors in Cornwall and the percentage of carbon they emit.

  • Rail transport 0.42%
  • Aviation 0.70%
  • Marine navigation 0.71%
  • Waste 4.08%
  • Industrial processes 6.50%
  • Commercial / industrial buildings 18.71%
  • Homes 20.12%
  • On-road transport is 23.75%
  • Agriculture, forestry and land use 25.03%

All figures relate to greenhouse gas emissions and show carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).

The six greenhouse gas emissions are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride. 

What is Carbon Neutral?

Carbon neutral means taking out as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as we put into it. This is also known as 'Net Zero Carbon'.  

Carbon Dioxide - Carbon Dioxide Absorption = 0

This can be achieved in two ways:

  1. by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide we are producing and
  2. by capturing the carbon dioxide we do produce so that it can't enter the atmosphere.

Becoming carbon neutral will bring us closer to a way of living which is based on balance. This helps us ensure that our impact on the planet supports a positive future.

The 'Tipping Point'

This is the point at which the climate impacts we're already experiencing will go from bad to potentially catastrophic. We will see natural systems cross danger points. This might trigger lasting changes and transform life as we know it. This includes extreme storms, heatwaves, mass loss of natural habitats and species.

We have an ambitious target of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 because we recognise the need to take action. This is ahead of the UK Government's target of 2050 and will give us our best chance of keeping global warming below 1.5°C.

The tipping point

Natural carbon absorption

Carbon can be absorbed through our use of land across Cornwall.

This can be from planting and maintaining trees to how we look after our soil and even seaweed farming.

The diagram below shows how carbon can be absorbed naturally.

Natural carbon absorption

We need to look after our natural environment and increase our carbon absorption. A key project towards this is the Forest for Cornwall.

The carbon emissions and net zero gap

This graph shows the scale of the challenge for Cornwall to get from 3.8 million tonnes of CO2e down to net zero.

The sharp trajectory needed to reach our ambitious 2030 target needs radical action.  Even the national 2050 target will be challenging.  But if we do nothing our carbon emissions will only continue to rise.

The vertical axis (Y) of the chart goes from zero to 3.8 million tonnes of CO2e. The horizontal axis (X) shows the years 2019 to 2055 running left to right. There are three lines on the chart; two green and one black. The first green line shows a steep curve downwards from 3.8 million tonnes of CO2e in 2019 to net zero in 2030 - which is our target. The second green line shows a less steep curve. It goes from 3.8 million tonnes of CO2e in 2019 down to net zero in 2050 which is the government's target. The black line represents 'do nothing'. It shows a gradual rise from 3.8 million tonnes of CO2e in 2019 to 4.9 million tonnes of CO2e in 2050.

Currently we are absorbing 240 kilotonnes of carbon emissions, meaning we need to draw down over 2.5 times the existing level by 2050 to compensate the remaining predicted annual emissions to achieve net zero.

Planting more trees and hedges and improving wetlands can increase carbon absorption. But, we need to drastically decrease our consumption and our emissions.

View and download Cornwall's pathways to carbon neutral reportCornwall's Carbon Footprint

Cornwall’s current carbon footprint is 3.6 million tonnes CO2e (2021 data year). This is almost 6 times our maximum remaining annual greenhouse gas emissions in 2050, to achieve net zero.

View Cornwall's Greenhouse Gas Inventory report 2008-2017

In 2019 the University of Exeter calculated Cornwall's carbon emissions. This created a baseline emission dataset.   

Every year we produce a Cornwall greenhouse gas inventory. This provides the evidence base for the actions within the Carbon Neutral Programme.   

View Cornwall's Emissions Inventory report for 2021

View Cornwall's Greenhouse Gas Inventory for 2021
(produced by the University of Exeter)

It is vital that all businesses, communities and the Council work together. This will help find ways to reduce consumption and lower our carbon emissions.

Our calculations have taken into account the impact of the seasonal influx of tourists.

Cornwall Council's Carbon Footprint

Cornwall Council is working towards becoming a Carbon Neutral Council.

The Council produced a baseline GHG carbon inventory in 2018. We will use the inventory as a baseline or starting point. The baseline will allow the Council to check progress as it works to become carbon neutral.

The Council will review the inventory annually. The reviews will allow us to check progress of the Climate Action Plan.

In 2023-24 Cornwall Council emitted 9,345 tCO2e (location based) representing a 29.5% drop in emissions compared to the baseline year 2018/19.

It means we are on track to meet our target for becoming a carbon neutral council by 2030. 

View Cornwall Council's Greenhouse Gas Inventory for 2023/24

View Cornwall Council's Emissions Inventory report for 2023/24

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