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Money off council tax for care leavers

If you are a care leaver we can give you some extra help with your Council Tax. 

This exemption is available to all care leavers who were under the care of Cornwall Council up to the age of 18 and are liable to pay Council Tax.

You do not need to apply for this, it will be granted on a yearly basis until you reach the age of 25.

Our Together for Families team will give us your information so that we can do this for you.

We will always make an award for the full year including the financial year starting 1 April in which you turn 25. The exemption will be removed for any period where you are no longer liable to pay Council Tax.

The amount we award will be the amount of Council Tax left after the award of any other discount, exemption or Council Tax Support has been applied.

Further information on this can be found in our Discretionary Financial Assistance Policy

If you have been asked to pay council tax and you think that you should receive this exemption, please contact us straight away.

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