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Meet the Leader events announced at Cornwall Council cabinet

Residents will have the opportunity to ask the leader of Cornwall Council questions about local issues, services and priorities at a series of “meet the Leader” meetings across Cornwall.

The sessions, which will begin this month and run through until October, were announced when the council’s Cabinet committee met at County Hall in Truro this morning.

Cllr Linda Taylor, leader of Cornwall Council, revealed the plan during her announcements to the meeting.

Also on today’s agenda were two key papers aimed at protecting Cornwall's natural beauty and historic environment for future generations.

The plans, the Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Management Plan and the Heritage at the Heart of an Evolving Cornwall; A Strategy for Cornwall's Historic Environment, were both approved unanimously.

Also before Cabinet today was the council's Digital Future Strategy, which sets out the action needed for the council to be able to exploit the full benefits of digital tools and ways of working, at a time when interactions between the authority and its residents become ever more reliant on technology.

The strategy it sets out focuses on three strands; developing new ways of working, ensuring the correct technology is available, and the creation of an Academy for Innovation.

It was also approved by the Cabinet.

Speaking after the meeting, Cllr Taylor said: “We have based the priorities of this administration on what we heard on the doorsteps during last year’s election, and I want to make sure we continue that conversation.

“We have set ourselves a clear mission: to create a carbon neutral Cornwall where everyone can start well, live well and age well.

“Our priorities are the same as those of our residents – making Cornwall a brilliant place to be a child and grow up in a thriving, sustainable Cornwall that offers a secure home, a decent income and a great environment for all.

“That is by building vibrant, safe, supportive communities where people help each other live well, all supported by an empowering and enterprising Council that provides good value for money and gets it right first time for customers.

“I want to meet as many people in as many communities as possible to talk about what we are already doing across Cornwall and at the local level to deliver against those priorities – but most of all, I want to really listen to local residents, businesses and community groups and hear what they see as the local priorities and how we can work together to make Cornwall an even better place.”

The first five sessions will be held at Penzance, Newquay, Bude, Helston and Liskeard.

Further sessions are planned for September and October in Truro, Falmouth, Wadebridge, Torpoint, Camborne and St Austell. Details of these sessions will be published as soon as possible.

For more information, please visit or call 0300 1231 118.

Posted 11 May, 2022



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