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Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Leadership Board launches new Fairness Commission

The new Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Fairness Commission is searching for its first Chair.

Launched by the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Leadership Board and the Cornwall Executive Group, the Fairness Commission will work to make our county fairer and more inclusive.

Like Fairness Commissions all over the UK, the body will bring together people and organisations from the public, private and community sectors to help drive new thinking and catalyse change.

The CIOS Fairness Commission aims to define what "fairness" means in the context of the region, exploring linked factors such as health, poverty, and access to opportunity through a local lens.

The formation of the Fairness Commission follows extensive work by a Development Group that identified critical areas of focus including Cornwall’s demographic composition, economic position and the housing crisis.

The new body will listen to local people, gather evidence, analyse it, and make recommendations to the local authority and other delivery bodies.

The search is now on to find a dynamic Chair to help set the agenda and drive action. Applications for Commissioners will open after the Chair is selected, so the Chair can be involved in the recruitment process.

Professor Emma Hunt, Vice Chancellor at Falmouth University, who chairs the Fairness Commission Development Group said, “We can only really make progress on fairness, when the whole community is heard. The Fairness Commission provides a great opportunity to amplify local voices from across the private, public and community sectors from all over the Duchy, developing fresh insights and generating new ideas that can lead to real change.

“Anyone with an interest in a fairer future for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly can apply to become Chair and I look forward to seeing how the initiative develops and the impact it can make.”

Councillor Carol Mould, portfolio holder for Neighbourhoods at Cornwall Council and a member of the Fairness Commission Development Group, said: “The Cornwall Plan set out ambitious goals for Cornwall’s future and we want to make sure they become a reality.

“Cornwall is a wonderful place to live but there is work to be done to make our beautiful county fairer and more inclusive.

“With the right people who are passionate about supporting Cornish communities, the Fairness Commission will help create more opportunities for our residents.”

Rachel Wigglesworth, Director of Public Health for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly said: “It is unfortunately still true that the higher the socioeconomic position in society, the better life chances you have, including better health. This commission will listen to people’s experiences in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly and use evidence to set the direction for a fairer future.”

View the application form

Visit the Leadership Board pages


Posted 8 July, 2024