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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

What is the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)?

The SHLAA is a study to identify all available sites within Cornwall which have the potential for future housing development. Its primary role is to:

  • Identify available sites with the potential for housing;
  • Assess each site’s housing potential; and
  • Assess when these sites are likely to be developed

A site's inclusion in the Assessment does not imply that it will be made available for housing or granted planning permission. The SHLAA is a technical study and not a policy document. It will identify possible housing sites and assess overall housing potential. It will be used to support the development and review of the Local Plan as part of the evidence base and inform the brownfield register.

Cornwall SHLAA January 2016

The January 2016 report refreshes the 2009, 2011 and 2012-14 SHLAA studies. The reports collectively cover the major settlements, smaller towns and villages of Cornwall:

Site maps: The maps for all the sites included in the SHLAA are available by selecting the Environment folder and then turning on the SHLAA layers. Select the individual sites to see their reference number and location description.

An assessment of SHLAA sites potentially within the setting of the Cornwall AONB and Tamar Valley AONB has been prepared.

How to submit or amend site details for the SHLAA

The Council is no longer accepting SHLAA submissions. This is because the new call for sites will replace the SHLAA process.

If you would like to submit a new site please do so by completing the Call for Sites form

If you would like to provide us with an update on a site already within the SHLAA, please do so by completing the Call for Sites form.  We will need an up-to-date map plus a new form. 

If the site is no longer available for housing please let us know so that we can remove it from the SHLAA.

NB: The SHLAA is a public document and therefore site information provided is treated as public information.

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