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Environmental considerations and planning permission

Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation

Cornwall Council wishes to conserve and enhance the natural environment. The project team is liaising with ecologists, and other statutory consultants. This is to ensure that the proposed designs have minimal impact. Cornwall Council is also looking to provide opportunities for environmental enhancements.

Where possible, the scheme routes are being selected to avoid key ecological areas. This includes important landscape features and valuable habitat. Where adverse impact is unavoidable the appropriate mitigation measures will be introduced. Tree surveys will also aid scheme designs. They will identify the location, condition and importance of tree species.

The Saints Trails run through a varied landscapes. These include woodland, open countryside and urban areas. It is important that the proposals blend with the surroundings. This will then reflect the local landscape character. To achieve this, native plant species will be used throughout the schemes. These include wildflower meadows and species-rich Cornish hedges. The creation of woodland where possible will enhance biodiversity

Extensive ecological surveys will be carried out. Notable species present may include dormice, bats and otters. Mitigation measures are to be developed to protect and enhance sensitive habitats. Increasing habitats for some species is also under consideration.


The majority of the schemes under development will need planning permission.  Applications will be submitted for sections of the various routes.   The timing of these applications is dependant on:

  • landowner negotiations
  • when all the required environmental surveys and assessments are complete

Below are links to the various applications.

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