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Previously looked after children - referral form

Child details

Data Protection Act –Privacy Statement

We, Together for Families, Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Truro, TR1 3AY, Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294 are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

This information is being collected by the Virtual School on behalf of Cornwall Council as Data Controller for the purpose of providing a service to children in care and previously looked after children.

Data on you or your child may also be shared with other relevant professionals to inform their work. The data held relating to the delivery of support by the relevant Support Service (listed above) to your child will be used both for the provision of services and also for performance and service planning. This information will be held in a secure environment in accordance with the TFF data retention policy after which time it will be destroyed in a secure manner.

A copy of our Privacy Notice can be found at A paper copy is attached. This Privacy Notice sets out the basis by which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act.

For further information or assistance on Data Protection matters, please contact the Practice Development and Standards Service: 

or the Councils Data Protection Officer

You have the right to withdraw consent to the processing of your data at any time and your further rights as to how we handle your data can be found by following the above link. Should you wish to withdraw your consent please contact the Virtual School.