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Pay and Grading Review (Green Book Roles)

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Following the review of pay, terms and conditions the Council has signed a local collective agreement with the trade unions. This varies several terms and conditions of employment for staff on Green Book Terms and Conditions. These are effective from 1 October 2022, unless otherwise stated below. The changes below will apply to you if we appoint you to a role on Green Book terms and conditions.

The Council has been working alongside the unions to update the current pay and reward terms for all Green Book staff. On 29 July 2022, the Council signed a local collective agreement which will impact any new recruits on Green Book terms and conditions.

As an enterprising and empowering organisation, we now have a pay and reward system that:

  • reflects our values
  • rewards our workforce
  • allows us to be a fit and flexible organisation

The pay and grading structure will see:

  • The Council becoming an upper quartile pay employer
  • 90% of the existing workforce achieving improved earnings over three years
  • All Green Book employees on a clear, 10 grade pay structure with larger pay increments. This allows for faster progression through the pay range.
  • Everyone benefiting from:
    • improved maternity, adoption and shared parental pay
    • the doubling of the minimum pay increase on promotion from 2% to 4%
  • Improved minimum annual leave
  • Three years pay protection for the 5.5% of our workforce whose actual pay is above the relevant pay range maximum. They would be protected for that period or until the new pay range maximum catches up via national pay awards within that three year period
  • Professional fees being paid by the Council where membership is a requirement to practice in the role

Please note new pay and grading arrangements do not include any assumptions for the pending national pay award for 2022/23

Green Book Salaries from 1 November 2022

Pay and Grading Structure

There are a number of other items within the broader council reward package which also feature in the proposed changes. These are summarised in the pay and reward proposal summary section.

Implications for new recruits

If you commence employment prior to 1 October 2022, you will be recruited onto the existing pay terms and conditions. You would then move to the new arrangements on 1 Oct subject to the following:

  • If the difference between salary on appointment and new salary range minimum is less than 2%, you will move to the bottom of the new salary range on implementation (October 2022). Your salary will increase thereafter by one increment each October, (subject to progression criteria), until the maximum increment is reached
  • If the difference between salary on appointment and new salary range minimum is more than 2%, you will move to the bottom of the new salary range in 2 steps, half in October 2022 and the remainder in October 2023. Your salary will increase thereafter by one increment each October, (subject to progression criteria), until the maximum increment is reached
  • If the difference between salary on appointment and next highest incremental point within the new salary range is less than 2%, you will move to the closest (larger) increment point in October 22. Your salary will increase thereafter by one increment each October, (subject to progression criteria), until the maximum increment is reached
  • If the difference between salary on appointment and next highest incremental point within the new salary range is less than 2%, you will move to the closest (higher) incremental point in two steps, half in October 2022 and the remainder in October 2023. Your salary will increase thereafter by one increment each October, (subject to progression criteria), until the maximum increment is reached
  • If the salary on appointment is above the new salary range, salary will be protected for a maximum of three years - or until the pay range maximum has caught up with your salary (due to national pay awards). See the incremental points within the salary range above.

If you commence employment between 1 October 2022 and 31 March 2023, you will be recruited on the new pay, terms and conditions for Green Book staff subject to the following:

  • If you are appointed to the minimum of the pay range, you will not progress to the second increment until 1 October 2024. These proposals are to eliminate or reduce the difference in pay treatment that would otherwise arise from new recruits having increased pay over the whole incremental progression period following assimilation on 1 October 2022.
  • These proposals will apply in new grades 1 to 9. 

Summary of changes which are included in the local collective agreement

Any Questions

For any questions please speak to the recruiting manager for your role or to the resourcing team.

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