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Code of Conduct

Terms and conditions

By joining the scheme, you are confirming or agreeing to work towards the following.

1. Safe accommodation

You take all reasonable steps to ensure that rented homes under your control (as far as practicable) meet the Cornwall Rental Standard.

You will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your property complies with the relevant legal requirements.

2. Access to accommodation

You will give at least 24 hours notice in writing. You will gain permission from your tenants before accessing the property, except in the case of an emergency.

3. Written rental agreement

You will provide tenants with a written statement of the terms of their occupancy. This will include rent costs, frequency of payment and an inventory which both parties will check and sign for.

4. Communication with tenant or leaseholder

You will acknowledge all letters and emails received from your tenants in a timely and professional manner.

Tenants to be provided with a contact telephone number or other means of contacting you or your agent in the event of an emergency.

You will keep records of all communication between yourself and your tenant. You should make them available to the scheme administrator if required.

5. Breach of tenancy

You will notify your tenant in writing of any breach of the tenancy agreement that is to be used as the basis for legal proceedings.

You should signpost tenants to the Housing Options team within Cornwall Housing Limited for advice should it be required.

6. Tenant treatment

You, or your representatives, will not cause harassment to the tenant. Nor will you undertake any action that could be deemed as illegal eviction.

7. Receiving tenant references

It is recommended that landlords seek a reference from potential tenants.

8. Disrepair or defects

Any disrepair or defects to the property to be investigated within a reasonable timescale. Any repairs to be carried out with minimum disturbance to the tenant, where possible.

If a tenant has caused the defect to the property the repair can be charged back to the tenant. You will need to supply them with a receipt which provides a breakdown of the costs incurred.

9. Compliance with statutory notices

Subject to statutory rights of appeal, scheme members will comply with all statutory notices served by a local authority.

10. Licences

Properties will hold all necessary licences or registrations required by law.

11. Deposits

You will protect your tenants deposit and follow the legislation and requirements of the tenancy deposit scheme.

12. Certification

You will hold all required safety and inspection certificates and reports. Regular servicing of fitting, fixtures, installations or appliances to be carried out as required.

Scheme members will provide copies of relevant certificates to the tenants.

13. Prompt re-occupation

You will take all reasonable steps to ensure that properties under your control are re-occupied as soon as practicable. They must be in good order before the start of a new tenancy.

14. Education

You will take steps to maintain and improve your knowledge of relevant legislation and good practice.

15. Membership of a recognised trade association

It is recommended that you join a recognised landlord or lettings agents association. Membership can provide many benefits such as legal advice, discounts to services and helplines.

16. Updated personal information

You will keep the scheme administrator informed should your contact details change. Either by emailing your new details or contacting us by telephone.

17. Fees and charges

Scheme members will provide details of all fees and charges to the service user. Details to include the amount charged and the circumstances to which charges apply.

18. Lettings agents

A letting agent is a person or company who manages one or more property on behalf of another person who is not a relative.

Lettings agents are encouraged to sign up to the scheme. They can then enjoy the scheme benefits.

Lettings agents must be a member of a professional body. They must maintain their registration with a Government approved redress scheme.

19. Conduct

I will not act in a manner that brings the Scheme into disrepute.

Who this applies to

All references to an individual in this Code apply to:

  • Directors
  • Partners
  • Employees of a Company or business

registered with this scheme


Allegations of breaches of this code of conduct will be investigated.

Where there is proof that a scheme member has breached the Code of Conduct they will be removed from the scheme.

Other decisions to remove any person from the scheme will be made by Cornwall Council and the scheme partners.

Landlords or agents who have been removed from the scheme may be invited to apply again subject to specified conditions . This could include the undertaking of specified training.


The Council and its partners do not accept any responsibility for the actions of individual landlords or property agents.

It is taken in good faith that scheme members are compliant with the scheme conditions.

Members are not actively regulated or approved by the Council or the scheme partners.

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