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Free home fire safety check

In 2018/19, there were 312 accidental dwelling fires in Cornwall. This is an increase of 22% (or 56 fires) on the previous year, which is 13% higher than the five year average. 

In Cornwall, we are committed to reducing fire deaths by ensuring that every home in the county has a working smoke alarm. To make sure this happens, we carry out free home safety checks and if necessary fit free smoke alarms.

Home fire safety checks

You can request a free home fire safety check by completing the following survey:

Home fire safety check short surveyIn order for us to assess your level of need, we need to ask some questions about you or the occupier of the property. Those with the greatest need in the community will be eligible for a free home fire safety check and will be contacted to arrange an appointment to do this.  In this case we will visit your home at an allocated time and accompany you around every room in your property with the aim of:

  • Identifying and making you aware of the potential risks in your home - including electrical safety to ensure your sockets are not overloaded.
  • Making sure you know what to do in order to reduce or prevent these risks.
  • Helping you put together an escape plan in case a fire breaks out in the future.
  • Ensuring you have a working smoke alarm and if you don't, we will fit a free smoke alarm (type of alarm will vary depending on the need).

The home fire safety check will take about half an hour of your time. A member from Cornwall Fire, Rescue and Community Safety (CFRCS) Service will be wearing a uniform and carrying an identification card. Please ask to see the identification card, and if you require confirmation telephone the freephone helpline 0800 3581 999. 

To help us determine if you are eligible for a free home fire safety check please complete the home fire safety check short survey. If you are eligible an officer will contact you and arrange a convenient time to visit your home. Please be aware that there is a waiting list in place.

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