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Winter wellbeing

Help with heating your home

In Cornwall fuel poverty affects 15.4% of all households (40,355 homes). On the Isles of Scilly it is 18% (179 homes) - (DESNZ Fuel Poverty statistics 2022). 3.5% of homes in Cornwall do not have central heating (2021 Census).

Both areas are above the England average of 13.1% and South West (11.9%). Cornwall Council’s business plan seeks to reduce fuel poverty to 5% of households by 2030.

View our business plan

The 'Rising cost of living in the UK' research briefing has come from Parliament researchers. It features a useful summary of causes, effects and mitigations up to July 2024. 

View the Rising cost of living in the UK research briefing

Being warm at home has many benefits.

You can view a short film which shows the real difference this has made to people's lives on Vimeo.

View the film on Vimeo

One customer said: “I just wanted to thank you for letting me know about the Community Energy Plus boiler grant. I was successful with the grant and had a new boiler fitted yesterday. I am so grateful to them. They were extremely helpful and it all went through without any problems. Thank you again for giving me their number.

Keep well and prepare for winter

We know times are hard, with prices rising faster than incomes.

You can watch a short film that Citizens Advice Cornwall (one of our Winter Wellbeing partners) and Cornish comedian Kernow King have made. It has lots of useful money-saving and energy tips.

View the film about energy advice

See what support is available to help with the cost of living and save money with the Help for Households energy saving tips. 

See what support is available for you

Why keeping warm affects your health and wellbeing

Cold and damp causes many other problems. People living in these conditions just don’t work as well and they struggle to go about their day-to-day lives.

Sometimes households live in just the one room.

Children can also struggle to concentrate on homework when they are in cold or damp homes. There is the worry of carbon monoxide poisoning from badly maintained boilers or chimneys. People can become isolated as they no longer invite friends around, because who wants to come to a cold house? 

Are you or is someone living in your home:

  • living with a long-term health condition?
  • at risk of poor health?
  • caring for a vulnerable person?
  • a child aged 19 or under?
  • worried about their home being cold or damp?

Is it affecting your health?

If so, then Winter Wellbeing can help.

There are a number of services who all work together to help you enjoy a warmer healthier home. They also offer independent energy advice tailored to your needs.   

This can include home visits and follow-up support for the following:

  • Access to heating and insulation grant
  • Providing practical advice on:
    • understanding and reducing your energy bills
    • combatting condensation and damp
  • Support for families with children if they have additional needs
  • Debt advice
  • Benefits advice
  • Health information

For advice and access to services provided by over 30 partner organisations, call Freephone 0800 954 1956 or email

Community Energy Plus is an award-winning social enterprise. It provides complete energy answers to help householders in Cornwall enjoy warmer, energy efficient homes as part of a more sustainable future.

Community Energy Plus website

Find out about grants and loans

Help is available with energy use and improving energy efficiency of your home, from May 2022.

Find out about the help available

Winter Wellbeing guides

We also offer paper copies and download copies of the Winter Wellbeing Guides. Our guides are packed with useful advice and information. They cover staying warm, keeping well and being happy and safe this winter. Take a look:

Winter Wellbeing Guide 2024/25Winter Wellbeing 2024/25 A4 poster

Isles of Scilly Guide to Winter Wellbeing 2024/25Isles of Scilly Guide to Winter Wellbeing 2024/25 A4 poster

Cornwall Easy Read Winter Wellbeing Guide 2024/25

Top Tips for Keeping Warm and Well This Winter

Paper copies are available from:

  • Council Information Points
  • GP surgeries
  • NHS premises
  • Libraries and
  • many other sources, including all the partners listed below.

To order copies please email at Inclusion Cornwall or call 01872 326440.

About the winter wellbeing partnership

The winter wellbeing service has been running for over 13 years.  Since 2011/12, Winter Wellness has achieved the following:

  • Over 40,000 households have received help to stay warm, well and safe
  • 963 hospital admissions have been prevented
  • 634 households remain in work and progress towards work
  • 890 households have been assisted through the Warm Home Discount Industry Initiative. (This is funded by OVO and previously SSE)
  • 1,643 households supported to make their homes warmer under LA Flexible Eligibility. (Energy Company Obligation ECO4)

The service is supported by:

  • Public Health
  • Inclusion Cornwall
  • Council of the Isles of Scilly
  • NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly

There are over 30 partners who work together to reduce fuel poverty, improve health and progress people to work.

Need help?

Most issues can be resolved online, it's the quickest and most convenient way to get help.