Safer Futures Helpline Response Team
If you think you may be in an abusive relationship you can call our helpline on 0300 777 4 777. We are here Monday to Friday 09:00-21:00 and Saturday 09:00-17:00. If you are in danger, call 999.
If we can’t answer your call, please leave a message with your name and a safe contact number or email address. We will call you back from a withheld number, so please look out for this.
Our helpline workers will give you support, advice and information. And, where appropriate, will carry out a risk assessment and complete safety planning with you. We can direct you to other Safer Futures services, and let you know about other local and national organisations which may be able to help you.
Visit the Safer Futures Helpline Response Team website
Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (IDVA)
IDVAs provide emotional and practical advice, guidance and support to help you and your family to become and remain safe. They will seek ways to empower you to make positive safe choices and they will liaise with other professionals on your behalf. The support they provide could include help for you through a court process, help to access safe accommodation and advocate on your behalf.
Safer Futures websiteThe SUsie Programme and Recovery Programmes
Domestic Abuse And Sexual Violence Adult Recovery Programme
What we offer:
The SUsie Programme provides trauma informed psycho-educational group support to anyone recovering from domestic abuse and/or sexual violence. This group support programme is tailored towards enabling clients to recover and positively move forward with their lives. This strengths-based programme focuses on long-term wellbeing and is designed to address the impact of abuse and enable participants to develop future protective behaviours.
Self-referrals or professional referrals can be made by calling the Safer Futures Helpline number on 0300 777 4 777 and speaking to a member of the Helpline team and making them aware that you are interested in joining the SUsie Programme.
The support on offer in the SUsie Programme:
Initial One-to-one assessment - this is carried out by a trained SUsie worker and is designed to check suitability, identify additional support needs to help improve self-confidence to enable anyone to engage and participate in group support.
Support Group - offered face-to-face in various locations across the county, or online via Zoom. These support groups are confidential and provide a safe, relaxed environment for people to meet weekly to discuss their experiences and concerns, gain support, develop friendships and re-build their confidence and self-esteem. These support groups help people to recover from the trauma they have experienced and prepare them for joining the next phase of the programme, the Recovery Toolkit.
The Recovery Toolkit Programme - 18 years+ uses the Rock Pool Recovery Toolkit psychoeducational model to explore various domestic abuse and sexual violence related issues over 12 weeks, including:
- What is Abuse?
- Self esteem
- Effect of abuse on children
- Anger and conflict
- Boundaries and trust
- Setting goals
- Healthy relationships
The programme looks at automatic negative thinking patterns and balances this with positive affirmation techniques, e.g., how we think affects how we ultimately behave. The Recovery Toolkit phase of the programme is about empowerment and restoring belief and confidence in the individual and their abilities.
Who is eligible:
All persons aged 18+ who have experienced domestic abuse and/or sexual violence* at any time in their life, are in a place of safety and who are no longer experiencing abuse or living with their abuser.
*Some exceptions may apply.
Information about the SUsie programme and other programmes on offer can be found on the Visit the Safer Futures website.Visit the Safer Futures websiteThe Women’s Centre Cornwall
The Women’s Centre Cornwall is a women’s charity with services across Southwest England.
They offer empowering support to women and girls living with the impact of sexual and domestic abuse.
Visit the Women's Centre Cornwall website
Self-Help Resources
Self-help resources on a range of topics from Safer Futures. Visit the Self-Help Resources Archive - Safer Futures website