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Useful videos

Unicef produce useful resources to support parents and practitioners. The following videos cover a range of issues around establishing and continuing successful breastfeeding:

Meeting baby for the first time

This video explores skin-to-skin contact, a practice at the heart of the Baby Friendly standards which supports feeding and relationship-building.

Breastfeeding and relationships in the early days

This video looks at both the theory and practice of relationship building and responsive breastfeeding, supporting families to get their relationship with their baby off to the best start.

Positioning and attachment

In this video, a breastfeeding counsellor helps a mother with her positioning and attachment whilst breastfeeding.

Ineffective attachment

This clip from Best Beginnings shows how ineffective attachment happens and how it can cause sore nipples.

Hand expression

This video guides mothers on how to hand express and talks about the times when hand expression might be useful.

Maximising breastmilk

This video explores how best to support new mothers with feeding.


View more Unicef breastfeeding resources

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