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Forms and guidance for direct payments

This page is for families of children and young people under 18 who receive Direct Payments

You can find some of our most requested paperwork that you can download and print.

If you do not have access to a printer you can contact us and we will send the information to you by post. 

Our email address is:

Personal assistant information held with Cornwall Council

Cornwall Council holds some personal information of your personal assistant(s).

We store the name of your personal assistant on your child’s direct payment file.

The information is only stored due to their employment with you. We will not create a separate record for them.

We respect the privacy of your personal assistant(s). We store their information in a secure environment.

We have produced an information leaflet for your personal assistant. They can contact us directly if they choose.

Personal Assistant data privacy information leaflet

Employment updates 

This includes information on:

  • National Minimum Wage, National Living Wage and UK Real Living Wage
  • Income Tax Rates and National Insurance Contributions 
  • What counts as taxable income
  • Providing a Workplace Pension - Automatic Enrolment
  • Statutory Rights for your Personal Assistant 
  • Statutory Sick Pay
  • Statutory Maternity, Paternity, Adoption, and Parental Bereavement Leave and Pay

Payment dates for 2024 

Direct Payments – Schedule of Payment Dates for 2024 

Direct payment expenditure forms 

Every three months you will need to send us a completed expenditure form.  This shows how you have used direct payments funds.

You can download our quarterly expenditure form in PDF format: 

You can also download a Microsoft Word version of the quarterly expenditure form. You can complete this and email to us:

There is also a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet which you can download. You can fill in the spreadsheet and email it to us:

Timesheets, mileage and expenses 

Every month you will need to complete a timesheet for the hours worked for each of your personal assistants.

The Child Plan or Education Health and Care Plan will set out how the direct payments funds are to be used to meet your child or young person’s assessed needs

Sometimes there will be agreement for your personal assistant to use their own vehicle to meet the identified needs. If so, they should complete a mileage claim form to claim mileage costs.

Sometimes there will be agreement for your personal assistant to claim other expenses to meet the identified needs. If so, they should complete an expenses claim form.

Direct payments policy

Download our current Direct Payments Policy

Rescue medication policies

There are policies for children and young people who have rescue medication for certain conditions and who also receive direct payments.

We developed these policies following consultation with parents, carers and healthcare professionals. The policies are for those children and young people who have a diagnosis of anaphylaxis, epilepsy or type 1 diabetes.

Annual Report

Each year we publish a summary of direct payments data in an annual report.

View the latest annual report

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