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Letting guides and documents

Commercial Property Guidance Note

Our Guidance Note explains the process of leasing a commercial property with Cornwall Council.

You will need to ensure you are able to comply with the terms contained in this Guidance Note before proceeding. 

Commercial property application form

Property Services will review your application and get back to you within 10 working days from receipt of your application. 

Commercial Property Tenant Handbook

Our Tenant Handbook provides general guidance to both existing and new tenants. The Handbook has been designed to answer many frequently asked questions. The handbook will clarify the role and responsibilities of our tenants and Cornwall Council, as the landlord.

Proof of identification

We will need to verify your identification before entering into a letting agreement with you. Find out why we need to verify your identity and how we do this.

Data Protection statement

Your application form will only be used for the purpose of your request to lease from Cornwall Council.

Change of use guidance

The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) puts uses of land and buildings into various categories known as 'Use Classes'. This sets out what a particular building or plot of land can be used for.

Business Rates

Business Rates (also known as National Non-Domestic Rates) are means by which businesses and others who occupy non-domestic property make a contribution to the cost of local services.  For further information please refer to:

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