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High on the list of what makes Cornwall a wonderful place. Is its abundant and varied wildlife.

Wherever you are, there's always something of interest:

  • Peregrine falcons sitting atop Truro cathedral eyeing up the feral rock doves;
  • Wildflowers bursting from the hedges and colonising cracks in pavements and waste ground;
  • Migrant butterflies, moths and dragonflies arriving on southerly winds;
  • Foxes, badgers and hedgehogs rummaging in our gardens and;
  • Seals popping their heads up to catch a breath whilst surveying the scene.

The Council supports and finances the collection and distribution of wildlife records, in Cornwall. Carried out by the Environmental Records Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

You can access data through the Environmental Records Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.  

Protecting and enhancing wildlife in the development process

Local authorities have safeguarding duties for wildlife when they assess planning applications. National guidance in Planning Policy - Biodiversity and Geological Conservation. Sets planning policies on protection of biodiversity and geological conservation through planning.

Developers (large and small) can help by taking account of wildlife at the early stages of planning. They can help meet the guiding principles of PPS9: Which include avoidance of harm. Mitigation to minimise impact. Compensation for unavoidable harm. As well as enhancement in all cases by taking account of wildlife at an early planning stage.

There are many documents available to help developers address the above issues. Please see below:

The Cornish Chough

The Chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) is a member of the crow family. With a red beak and legs, and an excitable, high-pitched 'chi-ow' call from which it gets its name. It is acrobatic and its tumbling display flights make an impressive sight.

For more information on this Cornish bird and how Cornwall is helping to re-introduce it into the County please visit The Cornish Chough Webpage.

Further information

For more information about Cornwall's wildlife please visit: Cornwall Wildlife Trust

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