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Public Path Order Application Decisions

This page displays the Decision Reports written by the Delegated Officer after submission of an application for a Public Path Order. A Decision Report will make a recommendation as to whether a Public Path Order should or should not be made.  They are categorised by the following: 

  • HAD – Highways Act Diversion (Processed under S119 of the Highways Act 1980)
  • HAE – Highways Act Extinguishment (Processed under S118 of the Highways Act 1980)
  • HAC – Highways Act Creation (Processed under S26 of the Highways Act 1980)
  • TAD – Town and Country Planning Act Diversion (Processed under S257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990).

HAD 285: Proposed Diversion of Part of Public Footpath 30 in the parish of Lostwithiel

TAD 129: Proposed Diversion of Part of Public Footpath 39 in the parish of St Agnes

HAD 258: Proposed Diversion of Part of Public Footpath 13 in the parish of Veryan

HAD 251: Proposed Diversion of Part of Public Bridleway No.11 in Bude Stratton at New Tiscott Farm, Poughill

HAE 020: Proposed Extinguishment of Part of Public Footpath No. 3 in Torpoint at Trematon Close

HAD 289 Proposed Diversion of Footpath Nos. 37(part), 42(part), 43(part) and 71(part) together with a Creation Order for Footpaths in the Parish of Newquay

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