The following links provide advice relating to the SuDS requirements for Cornwall. Some are pdfs, which will open in a new window.
Sustainable Drainage Information Note
Our Sustainable Drainage Approval Body (SAB) Information Note was issued in August 2023. It aims to explain the current position regarding the likely implementation of Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010. The Sustainable Drainage team will provide more information on this page is it becomes available.
Land Drainage Consent
As well as SuDS approval, developments may also need land drainage consent. For information about applying for this, please see our consenting works on watercourses page.
Groundwater monitoring
This groundwater monitoring document provides advice and guidance on considering groundwater monitoring in SuDS applications. The document has recently been updated with the latest advice.
Householder and minor extension Flood Risk Assessments (FRA)
We provide guidance on householder and minor extensions in flood risk areas. The guidance should be used to support Householder and Minor Extension Planning Applications, where the application site is situated in a Critical Drainage Area or within Flood Zones 2 or 3. The householder and minor extension guidance can be found here.
The householder and minor extension flood risk assessment form can be found here.
Siting SuDS in Flood Zones 2 and 3
You can find our advice note on siting SuDS in flood zones 2 and 3 here.
Rainfall model data
We have a standardised approach with the Lead Local Flood Authorities in Devon on rainfall model data. We provide guidance on our approach to rainfall model data in this guidance note.
Critical Drainage Areas
A Critical Drainage Area (CDA) is an area that has critical drainage problems, and which has been notified to the Local Planning Authority by the Environment Agency. In a CDA we expect new development to reduce flood risks downstream, rather than having just neutral impact.
There are a number of CDA’s within Cornwall. Maps and details of these CDAs can be accessed from the links below: