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2031 Change to legislation for Definitive Map Modification Order applications

Whilst Cornwall benefits from plenty of paths and tracks, which have been in use for many years. However, not all routes are recorded as public rights of way on the Definitive Map and Statement. There are may ancient ways for which there is no official record. Some of these unrecorded ancient ways may have fallen into disuse. 

2031 Cut-off date

In consultation with both user and landowner groups, the government put forward proposals to update the process of recording rights of way.

Provisions in the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 mean unrecorded footpaths and bridleways created before 1949 will not be able to recorded after 1 January 2031. This sets a ‘cut off’ date by which claims for historical rights of way must be made, whilst allowing 30 years for the legal record of public rights of way to be brought up to date.

This cut off date was previously 1 January 2026, which was repealed in 2022. The cut off date was then re-introduced in 2023 and has been extended until 1 January 2031.

How can you get involved?

 If you want to make an application to add a right of way, or upgrade a path or track, further information and an application pack can be found on the Cornwall Council Definitive Map Modification Orders webpage.

Applications already made can be viewed on the Register of Definitive Map Modification Order Applications: 

View the Register of Definitive Map Modification Order Applications

If you are a landowner, or a user of an unrecorded path or track and have come across notices, please take a look at our FAQs.

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